Anonymous ID: fe2f2b Dec. 30, 2021, 7:18 a.m. No.15278506   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8527


Final Notables for #19232

>>15277612, >>15276846 (pb)

Final Notables for #19323


>>15276923 Innova Medical Group Recalls Covid Test

>>15276963, >>15277557 Anons taking local action!

>>15277075 Woman Confronts Justin Trudeau in Public Forum: “You Sold us Out to Globalism – What do we do with Traitors in Canada?"

>>15277106 Clinton corruption articles

>>15277136 Pray with anons at 7PM EST/00:00GMT


>>15277191 HRC Comms?

>>15277350 Anon: I demand to know the name of every single person in Congress that has received Ivamectin treatments, while being banned from general public.

>>15277379 Ghislaine Maxwell's legal battle isn't over. Jeffrey Epstein's former girlfriend still faces perjury charges.

>>15277448, >>15277451 Jake Sullivan discusses the Biden administration’s work over the first year in office

>>15277515 As Russia collusion fades, Ukrainia plot to help Clinton emerges

>>15277516 More big names corruption and connections articles

>>15277534 Younger Joe Biden on classifying people mp4

>>15277547 Doctor takes a hard stance against the Medical Tyranny video

>>15277588 All Africa: Christmas present from the WHO

Notables for #19323 @ 650. The rest need to be collected and final notes posted in next bread.

>>15277634 WA DEMS push to lower penalty for Drive-by shooting (mp4)

>>15277636 China is developing brain control weapons to paralyze and control opponents instead of killing them, the US has alleged.

>>15277640 Biden mocked for economic record (mp4)

>>15277641 Flynn post: Kaboom! Judge lets inspection of 2020 Dominion voting machines take place

>>15277646 Pilot Who Was Coerced Into Getting Jabbed Is Suing Over Career Ending Damages

>>15277647 CBP forced to delete tweet of knowledge of terrorist border jumper. (mp4)

>>15277651 After Spokane Food Program Officials Turn Away Unvaccinated for Christmas Meals – Patriots Step In and Feed Everyone

>>15277652Maxwell Fox News Report (mp4)

>>15277653 Twitter suspends virologist Robert Malone

>>15277654 Will the NYT start asking some questions about how safe COVID vaccines are, now that they've lost an editor?

>>15277656 Schools are Now Vaccinating Children without Their Parents’ Consent — Here is the Dirty Trick They are Using to Jab Kids

>>15277660 FAA Dangerously Ignores Its Own Guidelines – Clears Vaccinated Pilots to Fly Despite “Do Not Issue—Do Not Fly” Policy

>>15277665 Unvaccinated workers who were fired now suddenly being begged to return

>>15277677 French Tennis Star Goes Off After ‘250th Positive Covid Test’ Threatens to Derail His Australian Open

Anonymous ID: fe2f2b Dec. 30, 2021, 7:21 a.m. No.15278522   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8527 >>8543 >>9015 >>9222

>>15278422, >>15276846 (pb)

Final Notables for #19323


>>15276923 Innova Medical Group Recalls Covid Test

>>15276963, >>15277557 Anons taking local action!

>>15277075 Woman Confronts Justin Trudeau in Public Forum: “You Sold us Out to Globalism – What do we do with Traitors in Canada?"

>>15277106 Clinton corruption articles

>>15277136 Pray with anons at 7PM EST/00:00GMT


>>15277191 HRC Comms?

>>15277350 Anon: I demand to know the name of every single person in Congress that has received Ivamectin treatments, while being banned from general public.

>>15277379 Ghislaine Maxwell's legal battle isn't over. Jeffrey Epstein's former girlfriend still faces perjury charges.

>>15277448, >>15277451 Jake Sullivan discusses the Biden administration’s work over the first year in office

>>15277515 As Russia collusion fades, Ukrainia plot to help Clinton emerges

>>15277516 More big names corruption and connections articles

>>15277534 Younger Joe Biden on classifying people mp4

>>15277547 Doctor takes a hard stance against the Medical Tyranny video

>>15277588 All Africa: Christmas present from the WHO

Notables for #19323 @ 650. The rest need to be collected and final notes posted in next bread.

>>15277634 WA DEMS push to lower penalty for Drive-by shooting (mp4)

>>15277636 China is developing brain control weapons to paralyze and control opponents instead of killing them, the US has alleged.

>>15277640 Biden mocked for economic record (mp4)

>>15277641 Flynn post: Kaboom! Judge lets inspection of 2020 Dominion voting machines take place

>>15277646 Pilot Who Was Coerced Into Getting Jabbed Is Suing Over Career Ending Damages

>>15277647 CBP forced to delete tweet of knowledge of terrorist border jumper. (mp4)

>>15277651 After Spokane Food Program Officials Turn Away Unvaccinated for Christmas Meals – Patriots Step In and Feed Everyone

>>15277652 Maxwell Fox News Report (mp4)

>>15277653 Twitter suspends virologist Robert Malone

>>15277654 Will the NYT start asking some questions about how safe COVID vaccines are, now that they've lost an editor?

>>15277656 Schools are Now Vaccinating Children without Their Parents’ Consent — Here is the Dirty Trick They are Using to Jab Kids

>>15277660 FAA Dangerously Ignores Its Own Guidelines – Clears Vaccinated Pilots to Fly Despite “Do Not Issue—Do Not Fly” Policy

>>15277665 Unvaccinated workers who were fired now suddenly being begged to return

>>15277677 French Tennis Star Goes Off After ‘250th Positive Covid Test’ Threatens to Derail His Australian Open

Anonymous ID: fe2f2b Dec. 30, 2021, 8:09 a.m. No.15278773   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9015


Hey Baker. Here is a paste with all the notes through #19324 with my links cleaned up. This is not complete dough, just the notes as collected and posted by me an another anon.