This article says
"Hello, I'm the brother of GMax. I've been told to tell GMax to wait for the appeal and not to squeal or they'll kill all her relatives."
>GMax brother says GMax a scapegoat for Epstein
This article says
"Hello, I'm the brother of GMax. I've been told to tell GMax to wait for the appeal and not to squeal or they'll kill all her relatives."
>GMax brother says GMax a scapegoat for Epstein
Digits say it's someone in hell.
Looks strangely familiar
Kevin McCarthy is a pussy and an embarrassment to America.
You - FUCKWAD - gave one term Liz Cheney a leadership position that she used to stick it to America with.
Now the criticism of anons is that we're united and supporting our board management to destroy the DeepState.
I'll take that criticism and create a 9x11 glossy for my wall with it. Thanks anon.
The goal of anons imho is to see the whole playing field and analyze the field without the bias of emotion or past affiliations. We're not here to 'defeat' this shill or that troll, but to take ALL information in, analyze and weigh it, take what is valuable and discard the rest. Trolls and shills tell you just as much truth when they fashion lies. After being given enough information to analyze you can easily tell who's trying to move QR forward and who's trying to stop it from moving at all.
We (anons) fight to pull BV back because he/she is way in front of the pack and that's not a bad thing. Just because BV is hard to work with and has a lot of insight about what we're trying to get done doesn't make BV a detriment. It makes BV a force to be dealt with.
We have bread in a world that attacks QR daily/hourly 365 days a year. You have to admit BV has a lot to do with the bread being here and available.
Don't poke the bear. Focus on Dig Meme Pray. That's the best advice I can give you anon.
I don't poke bears for no reason. That's just plain stupid.
See anons? The argument goes from logic to emotion. That's how they hook you.
Making America Great Again while being accosted by a shill?
Attack Board Management
Attack anybody defending Board Management
When Board Mgt / Board defenders aren't available attack the information on the board and the quality of anons on the board.
It's pretty clear the simplistic strategy being deployed.
That's right. They can do the same for you, and they do. Anons didn't just fall of a turnip truck from Montana.
Ok, poke the bear. wtf not? - Let's see what happens.
>Fighting the wrong battle
I'm not sure about that. Board is clean, notables are plenty and the signal to noise ration is 10x what it was 2 weeks ago.
You know 'Holy Ghost' is the Al Roker safe word to stop him in his tracks. Holy fuck
Kek - I said it about a month ago. You can tell anons they need to do this or dig on that or post articles on this but anons don't do anything except what the hive mind agrees on doing.
Anon has gold here - 'The worst thing you can literally do on Q Research is tell anons what to do'
'BV bad'
is almost as prevalent as
'Orange Man bad'
Is it really censorship to put your foot down on spam that's placed in every bread for weeks?
Anons = signal
Trolls/Shills = noise
I think BV has a pretty good handle on which is which. That's this anon's humble opinion.
You haven't produced anything but proof that BV is human and makes mistakes so far. My opinion is that the BV successes far outweigh his blind spots.
We're not here to make friends and lasting relationships. We're here to save humanity. That's our core mission.
Eyes on Las Vegas. Got a bad feeling anons. Israel is starting to feel the pinch and they have a LOT of influence in Las Vegas
Fireworks show for 300,000 is a go in Las Vegas, NV
Thanks anon. That's so great. Let's cross our fingers.
BV is getting good press. That is just cow tipping the trolls. Big mad