DeSantis nukes AOC from orbit.
The burden of proof, time spent, resources consumed in research, is on the fucknuckers claiming Q is leaking classified intel to this site.
When Q said "these people are stupid", they really were correct.
ALL attempts to divide QR are easy to spot, even if the division is coming from 'within' (infiltration).
>invents 'story' of A vs. B
>invents story anon is 'A'.
Burden of proof is on the one making the claim, fucknucker.
Narrative already set up to either:
A. Claim 'new' photo is 'ackshually' old
B. Claim it is an actor with face mask.
>Streisand effect RRN into legitimacy
Hahahaha, no, because nobody is calling for the site to be 'shut down'.
Don't you have any clue what Streisand effect is?
I am just predicting what will happen next.