He's all but flat out said he's running. I have seen no other reason to believe otherwise.
Give a fuck. My firearm is right where I can immediately put my hands on it. No children. Just me, wifeanon and Golden Retriever Anon. Two law abidding, mature, citizens and a animal that has moar critical thinking capability than all of these libral fucks combined. Gun safe my ass.
Well, good for the motherfucker breaking into your home or carjacking your ass or robbing you on the street etc……… while your firearm is locked up and outta reach.
What they're really pushing for. You know, it's racist to be able to defend yourself if you are white.
Sorry Joe. Ain't taking any fucking lectures or advise from you on Patriotism. You and your fellow travelers are the last motherfuckers on this planet that should even utter the word Patriotism. You lie. We know it. Your fucking lips are moving.
STFU you odorous kunt. No one gives one rat's fucking ass what your garbled mind thinks or what your slime ridden mouth says.
Well, he is a cock sucker. At least he's got that going for him.