Anonymous ID: e64a3e Jan. 3, 2022, 2:44 p.m. No.15303219   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3228 >>3235

I am Archangel Michael with a message for the Angelic Warrior Group.


As we turn the page on another year, we must look back at what we have achieved. Now we have more than a thousand people meeting up to see what their weekly assignment is for this group. We have unity, we have built a unified group that is ever expanding to include more and more people. We will link into the Sisterhood of the Rose group that meditates every month on the full moon in order to become a part of that larger group.


We are building unity. We are working together to help Mother Earth.


Those on the surface are accomplishing their tasks as well. The financial system has now turned over to the QFS (Quantum Financial System) and the Corporation of America has declared bankruptcy. The wins will begin to increase now as the first hurdles of this journey have been accomplished.


It is as if you have been in the car, climbing the large hill on your roller coaster. We are at the top now, looking down and gaining momentum.


We have unified so many hearts and more and more are joining. The angels of God's kingdom are sounding their trumpets in joy.


This week's task again, is to focus on the 5D grid and bringing it into alignment with humanity on earth. Your time and your prayers, meditation and positive thoughts are so appreciated in the accomplishment of this important task.


I am Archangel Michael. I am your guide. I am your soul. I am your heart. We are Legion.




Anonymous ID: e64a3e Jan. 3, 2022, 2:48 p.m. No.15303242   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3247

Hello, our dear ones. We are the Council of the Guardians of the light.


We will say the second half of this year (2021) was quite intense. As a result of the intense movement of energies within your fields, and the impacts it has had on all of you individually. What we are seeing, and what we have been seeing, is a mass awakening. This is going to continue.


But understand that your definition of awakening may be quite different from another’s definition of awakening. It is about teaching others to find their truth through connecting to their inner light and power. It is up to the individual to navigate this roadmap in a way that aligns with them from a place of joy, truth, light, and power. It is your experience and journey to behold.


Incoming Energies will Unlock Innate Abilities


As we look and move forth into your next year, 2022, this mass awakening will continue. We are also seeing that the waves of light that are moving in will continue to propel forward the consciousness, the initiative, and the power and light within each. It is as if though these waves of light are going to bring about waves of awakening in different pockets of humanity.


Each individual will resonate more with some of the waves of incoming energies. That is the energy that will move them in the direction that they need to move. And again, this movement is not an outward movement. It is a movement inwards. For the key to raising your consciousness and connecting with your Source birthrights — all that you are entitled to by virtue of being a child of the Universe — is through your inner journey. It is through recognizing that you are powerful light Beings.


We are here to assist in your awakening. We are here to help you as you do it. In the same way that we invite all the Lightworkers and Starseeds to help their fellow humans through their awakening. It cannot be done for another, but you must honor their light.


It is as if though these waves of light that are coming in act as keys. These keys serve to open and unlock certain individuals, so that they can access and connect to these innate abilities. It is an unlocking, we may call it the percolation, but this is an expansion.


Societal Change Must Support the Awakening


As we have mentioned in the past, the tipping point has been reached, the human collective has together achieved an energetic frequency of magnitudes not seen for millennia. And it will continue to rise and rise. Much will happen as a result of this awakening. There will be some fast transformations upon your society. But understand that some of these transformations are more involved, they will take more time. But it must be conducted in a way that will resonate with the masses that will allow a certain level of adaptation and adaptability. It is in alignment with the greatest good of all. It cannot be an instant unraveling, our dear friends, for this will perpetuate fear and chaos, the very fear and chaos that we have been encouraging you to rise above. And so it must be done in a way that beckons a certain level of stability. The change is being restructured in a way that works for the ascension of humanity. It is a beautiful change.


Your Consciousness Propels a Positive Feedback Cycle


You must be patient. It is a reinvention. It is an exercise in creativity and thinking outside of the box. As you raise your consciousness, this becomes easier. For you are now going to be equipped and more apt at looking at solutions, new solutions to old problems. Your rising consciousness is going to fuel this change, and in turn, this change will help support the rising consciousness. It is a positive feedback cycle, you see.


It is about the new energies and new consciousness that are being ushered into your world that is going to trigger all of you to change within yourselves and to adapt to the change outside of yourself.


Your Inner Power is Your Birthright


It is a beautiful collaborative process. You all hold a piece of the puzzle. This is the key that you hold together. You co-illuminate all things. This is your power. It is your birthright. Nothing and no one shall take that from you.


So, 2022 will be a year of inner change that will help propagate change at a societal level. Our dear ones, it is not only change that you must look for outside of yourselves. It begins within. Once you are comfortable, at peace, and in a place of joy with who and what you are and the light that you shine, this is when it is time for you to step forth and be part of the outward change.


Do not wait for change to come from outside of yourselves. Now is the time to work within.


We stand with you. We applaud your courage, your resilience. Human resilience is truly one of your strongest traits and it is one that is widely admired. You are loved. And we part with you in a place of great love.

Anonymous ID: e64a3e Jan. 3, 2022, 2:53 p.m. No.15303260   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3279



I am Mira, the Pleiadian High Council, and I am here to speak to your civilization through our Universal Channel to share my thoughts about the situation on your planet Earth.


I can see from my ship that each passing day more humans getting awake and looking for the answers about, what has been happening around them. Humanity is ready to move to the next step of their evolution to the Ascension. Nothing can stop this process.


The planet received enough energies for the transition from 3D to 5D. You are leaving the Matrix, which was created long time ago to keep you being stock there. The Dark Lords lost their control over the Ones who are awaken. Every being was born to be free and happy. Your illusionary world is cracking down and falling apart, which was created with the purpose of keeping humankind mind controlled.


The high dimensional energies pouring daily into your reality to help with your liberation. Your corrupted governments still continue to plot their plans to confuse and scare you, unfortunately for them, it’s not having the same effect, as it had two years ago. Your population is mentally and physically exhausted.


The Dark Entities are going to pay for their dark actions like sex trafficking, killing innocent children, women and many other crimes, they committed against your civilization. Your group and individual meditations are dispersing the low energies and helping to see the truth about your reality. Spontaneously the war with Darkness is occurring not just on Earth and on other planets similar to yours.


Their plan of killing 90% of Earth inhabitants failed. Even they still continue to try, the Light is winning. Some operations are not visible to the public for security reasons and not to create chaos. I can assure that a lot is done behind the scenes. Your Ground Crew and Alliance are working very hard to free you from the Matrix enslavement. On your end, you can do your part by staying in high vibrations and sending the Light to the ones who are not awake yet.


Expect many changes in the upcoming 2022, it’s going to be a year full of unexpected events. I am looking forward to the day, when I can land on your planet with my team and assist with the healing of your population. Thank you Universal Channel.


I am grateful for today’s communication and sending my Love and Support.


Your mission is to save Mother Earth.


Anonymous ID: e64a3e Jan. 3, 2022, 2:59 p.m. No.15303296   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3303 >>3316 >>3320 >>3346

Retired Israeli General: Space Aliens Asked Trump Not to Expose ‘Galactic Federation’

Anonymous ID: e64a3e Jan. 3, 2022, 3:02 p.m. No.15303318   🗄️.is 🔗kun



ormer Canadian Minister of National Defense (1963-1967) and longtime member of Canadian Parliament The Honorable Paul Hellyer discusses the alleged "Galactic Federation" of Aliens that was also discussed publicly recently by former head of Israel‘s military space program Haim Eshed who is also an award winning professor and retired Israeli general. Former Head of Britain's Ministry of Defense UFO Desk on Haim Eshed Claims: