I have to thank the kind Anon who cut them out and called me a retard and showed me.
Look at the 2 dubs defending. It's all good , this place has all types right, you need a thick skin and strong stomach.
Damage the Olfactory Bulb and lessen your smell and taste and instantly and permanently have Covid symptoms.
AOC wants to Peg the Cuck guy.
And you could win/lose by proving she Doesn't die and is sneaked out of the country into witness protection?
Jack Murphy I think is his name
It is like betting someone who says they will quit smoking, unless there is a time limit, like Ill quit for at least a year. Because they could always start smoking until the day they die and never pay the bet.
You Don't know anything about the guy who they have been talking about for the last few days here? And you are talking about derivative contracts and financial markets?
Shill Spotted
God Bless William Cooper