>people who are used to being controlled. same thing in former USSR.
at least the russian people were waiting for bread to eat, not for a test of their stupidity.
>people who are used to being controlled. same thing in former USSR.
at least the russian people were waiting for bread to eat, not for a test of their stupidity.
>chapter 3: KGB's war on zionism
doesn't this directly contradict the narrative that the bolshevik revolution and the USSR were secretly run by jews?
aksing for a frenโฆโฆ
substituting a different name doesn't alter the contradiction.
good grief, don't you know a joke when you hear one?
>hurting the bottom line of the big corporations now
guess that's why no one ever said teeth whitening products are raycissโฆ
>they cannot censor the congressional record
lucky for the DS, no normie has EVER read the congressional record.
anyone who thinks "the cabal" or ANY group of humans has been controlling the entire human race since the time of babylon is not just crazy, they're STOOPIT. how the fuck could any group of humans control all the humans on the planet when virtually NO ONE traveled more than 20 miles from the spot they were born in their entire life, NO ONE knew the extent of the earth, and NO ONE could have possibly even known of the existence of humans on the opposite side of the planet?
>DNA Shows Japanese and Jewish Peoples Are Relatives
DNA does NOT show anything except base pairs. a genetic relationship between japs and jews is a CONCLUSION, and NOT A FACT. it is an INTERPRETATION of the raw facts, which are simply sequences of base pairs. other interpretations are ALWAYS possible.