We still have the 2A. Here in the USA,anyone can administer justice atanytime,anywhere. That’s the only reason things aren’t any worse than they are now.
Pick the pilot you prefer for your next flight.
Me neither but the point is obvious. Even woke Family Guy had a small skit with the same inference.
Yup, but he’s a kid and he could be on the right side of things if the right people get into his circle of influence. He is very young and impressionable and I don’t think he realizes what a support network he could have if he decides to take the red pill. He may not care though. He’s ultimately going to be filthy rich either way.
It said she was a vax mandate‘’opponent'', so she was probably not vaccinated.
That’s a possibility.
9 8 21 variant
Ever seen the movie “The Baytown Outlaws”? I highly recommend.
Catholicism is acult, a false religious system of idol worship.
It goes with the territory. If the religion isn’t real, then neither are it’s convictions.
7pm is more important
It’s the dilemma we face: being forced to debate and coexist with people who are mentally ill. We’re forced to recognize them as though they are sane, thereby giving credence and validity to their madness.
Anon prayer time
It’s not required to be a specific time, of course, just a movement that started on the board that has kept some momentum. It’s like we’re prayingtogetherwhen we agree to pray at the same time.
EST. Adjust according to your time zone.
4 of 5 in my house have it right now. None of us are vaccinated.