>Game over or does one of the moves extend the game?
With all the assassination attempts might as well make it painful. Fuck em
>Game over or does one of the moves extend the game?
With all the assassination attempts might as well make it painful. Fuck em
Anon has had threats. It’s not fun. Being anon is pretty much the hardest thing to be right now.
>They did let my brother over to paint their living room
So they just hate you because they know you’re a Trump supporter and wanna be cunts. Eff em. Most anons and Trump supporters have already suffered this sadness. Welcome to the party, pal
Fair enough but…
>pretty much
We aren’t trained for this. 45 eats these challenges for breakfast.
Trips chekt.
One of the best citizen journalist investigations to date. Gives anon chills
>They are just following the lead of DC for the past 25 years
All politicians since the beginning of politics and before
Not to be ghey but the clock has roughly 3 years on the clock for this to come out. Perhaps more. It needs the happen. Fix 2020 first
An absolute absurdity. Who would do that? This is why anon is retarded… because everyone else is. Just being funny but not
Not this time. People must be shown. They have very little time left. Normies will freak the eff out and even anon will run for the hills to stand clear of their wrath.
Remember when 45 said live in a nighttime interview “you’re not a Patriot.” To Hannity. That he just likes the ratings? Balls of steel, right there.
>was it just a setup?
Fake news would have just said he was “celebrating” an insurrection and ran wild with bullshit. Ghey playbook known. Good move on 45’s part. He set them up. They wasted days and probably weeks on hit pieces that they now have to scramble to edit. Fuck em
Remember the Rubbermaid garbage can picture posted in the window of the WH? It was for massive leaks. He was probably texting Conway