Anonymous ID: c5c933 Jan. 5, 2022, 9:27 a.m. No.15313515   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3662

Georgia Ballot Trafficking Whistleblower Admits to Making $45,000 for Stuffing Ballot Boxes — Just One of 242 Traffickers — HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of Ballots!


The Georgia ballot trafficking whistleblower reportedly admitted to making $45,000 for stuffing Georgia ballot boxes from 2 to 5 AM in the morning. He was just one of 242 alleged ballot traffickers identified by the True the Vote investigation. There is a possibility of HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of ballots that were stufffed into the ballot boxes in Georgia!


Radio host John Fredericks went on with Steve Bannon on The War Room on Wednesday morning after news broke last night that a ballot trafficker had started talking in Georgia after he was paid thousands of dollars for stuffing the ballot boxes in a massive ballot harvesting scheme in Georgia.


This is a total game changer!


John Fredericks: Here’s the bottom line. You can’t ballot harvest in Georgia. What turned this around is that a whistleblower in Georgia came forward. On the tapes they identified 240 of the same people going around the state stuffing ballot drop boxes between 2 and 5 AM… where they were emptying backpacks out and they were dropping 50, 100 ballots into a dropbox. This is totally illegal… Here’s the bottom line, right? The one whistleblower that came forward beause allegedly his mom said, hey what you’re doing is wrong and you need to be honest about it. Own up to it. He said that he was paid $10 per ballot… And he made $45,000 between November 3rd and the runoff. Two elections he made $45,000!… Now do the math.

He said this was the average payout. There were 240 people of the same ones over and over in the same car involved in it. You start doing the math here. 45,000 time 240 people… You’ve got $11 million dollars distributed illegally. Then you take 4500 ballots by 240 people. You’re talking about a million ballots!

Anonymous ID: c5c933 Jan. 5, 2022, 9:28 a.m. No.15313519   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Dr. Fauci Admits Definition of Fully Vaxxed is Changing: ‘Up-to-Date’ Shots Replacing ‘Fully Vaccinated’


Dr. Fauci on Tuesday said the term ‘fully vaccinated’ is being replaced with ‘up-to-date’ shots.


The term ‘fully vaccinated’ is finite and since this Covid tyranny will never end, the Biden Regime is slowly replacing the term with something indefinite: ‘Up-to-date’ shots.


No one will ever be fully vaccinated.


Covid shots will likely be mandatory once, twice, or maybe three times per year and will be required in order to participate in society.


Bloomberg reported:


The language around what constitutes fully vaccinated against Covid-19 is being replaced, in the strongest indication by White House chief medical adviser Anthony S. Fauci that two shots of a messenger RNA vaccine fall short of protection amid the highly transmissible omicron variant.


“We’re using the terminology now ‘keeping your vaccinations up to date,’ rather than what ‘fully vaccinated’ means,” Fauci said during a National Institutes of Health lecture Tuesday. “Right now, optimal protection is with a third shot of an mRNA or a second shot of a J&J.”


Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, made his remarks about new terminology in response to whether the U.S. will start to offer fourth doses the way Israel has.


“We need to find out what the durability of protection of the third shot is before we start thinking about the fourth shot.”

Anonymous ID: c5c933 Jan. 5, 2022, 9:30 a.m. No.15313532   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3662

Internet switched off in Kazakhstan amid unrest – reports


TV broadcasting has also been disrupted in the Central Asian country faced with a wave of protests over a spike in fuel prices


The internet was reportedly switched off across Kazakhstan on Wednesday, as the country remains gripped by violent protests that began in response to a hike in fuel prices after the New Year.


NetBlocks, a British organization that monitors internet freedom, has described the situation in the country as “a nation-scale internet blackout.”


Access to the web was cut off completely following a day of mobile internet disruptions and partial curbs on Tuesday, it added.


“The incident is likely to severely limit coverage of escalating anti-government protests,” the outfit pointed out.


⚠️ Confirmed: #Kazakhstan is now in the midst of a nation-scale internet blackout after a day of mobile internet disruptions and partial restrictions.The incident is likely to severely limit coverage of escalating anti-government protests.📰 Report:

— NetBlocks (@netblocks) January 5, 2022


RT’s attempts to access some Kazakhstan’s most prominent news websites have been fruitless amid reports of the blackout.


TV broadcasting has also been disrupted in the country. The KTK channel said it went off the air on Wednesday because the electricity to its headquarters had been cut off. NTK and Channel One Eurasia have also gone dark.


The same day, protesters broke into the offices of the Mir 24 TV channel in Kazakhstan’s largest city, Almaty. The staff had been evacuated in time, but the mob remained inside for around an hour, damaging equipment.


In order to arm themselves, the protesters attacked a firearms store in the city, breaking into its warehouse and taking everything that was inside, according to the staff.

Anonymous ID: c5c933 Jan. 5, 2022, 9:32 a.m. No.15313543   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3546 >>3559 >>3662

Germany: Double Vaccinated No Longer Allowed into Restaurants Without Taking Tests – Only Triple Vaxxed Allowed Inside


Germany will no longer allow the double vaccinated into restaurants starting next week. Only the triple vaccinated will be allowed inside.



New restrictions have been announced today (January 4) which will affect double vaccinated and those who have recovered from Covid, who will now need to provide a daily negative test in order to enter many establishments in Hamburg, Germany.


Only those who have received their booster shot will be able to attend restaurants, cultural and sporting events indoors in the city without testing, meaning that double vaccinated are no longer considered fully vaccinated.


The 2G+ rule now requires those who have been double vaccinated to show their Covid passport AND provide a negative test result before entering a number of restaurants, cultural and indoor sporting events. Unvaccinated people no longer have access to such activities, according to Senate spokesman Marcel Schweitzer.


The new restrictions will come into place on Monday, January 10 while the 2G rule will continue to apply in the retail sector.

Anonymous ID: c5c933 Jan. 5, 2022, 9:33 a.m. No.15313551   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Lindsey Graham Takes Credit for Trump Canceling Jan. 6 Press Conference, According to Report


President Donald Trump canceled his January 6 press conference at the behest of Sen. Lindsey Graham and Fox News host Laura Ingraham, according to a new report.


According to a report from Axios, Graham and the television pundit were urging the president to focus on election reform instead of what happened during the 2020 election.


Graham confirmed to the outlet that he spoke to Trump about it while golfing in Florida over the weekend and seemed to take credit for the shakeup.


“Graham confirmed this to Axios during a phone interview Tuesday night, saying he discussed the subject with Trump over a weekend golf match in West Palm Beach,” the report states. “Graham said Trump brought up the subject and the senator told him ‘there could be peril in doing a news conference. … Best to focus on election reform instead.'”


Ingraham made her position more-than-clear on Monday’s episode of her show.


“Some things were horrific that happened and shouldn’t have happened that day. … Is it smart for President Trump to do a rally on that particular day, versus next week or the week before?” Ingraham asked Rep. Jim Banks.


Banks did not fall for the leading question and replied that “President Trump has important things to say on Thursday, on Jan. 6. Like so many others, I’m looking forward to hearing what President Trump has to say.”


Though Graham and Ingraham are getting credit, Trump said in his statement that the House Select Committee investigating the protest was the reason for him scrapping the event.


“In light of the total bias and dishonesty of the January 6th Unselect Committee of Democrats, two failed Republicans, and the Fake News Media, I am canceling the January 6th Press Conference at Mar-a-Lago on Thursday, and instead will discuss many of those important topics at my rally on Saturday, January 15th, in Arizona – It will be a big crowd!” Trump said in a statement.


“What has become more and more obvious to ALL is that the LameStream Media will not report the facts that Nancy Pelosi and the Capitol Sergeant-at-Arms denied requests for the D.C. National Guard or Military to be present at the Capitol. Their emails and correspondence with the Department of Defense exist, but the media won’t ask for this evidence, or report the truth!” the statement added.


Trump continued, “This is the Democrats’ Great Cover-Up Committee and the Media is complicit. Why did Adam ‘Shifty’ Schiff forge and change the statement of Congressman Jim Jordan without any consequence? Why will Crazy Nancy Pelosi not provide her communications with the House Sergeant-at-Arms and the House Chief Administrative Officer, or promise to retain these vital messages, which many feel she has already destroyed—perhaps illegally? Also, why is the primary reason for the people coming to Washington D.C., which is the fraud of the 2020 Presidential Election, not the primary topic of the Unselect Committee’s investigation? This was, indeed, the Crime of the Century.”


“I look forward to seeing our Great American patriots in Arizona next weekend for a big rally to Save America!” Trump concluded.

Anonymous ID: c5c933 Jan. 5, 2022, 9:35 a.m. No.15313566   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3589 >>3662

Once Again Dominion Voting Systems Attempt to Prevent An Investigation of Their Voting Machines – This Time in Pennsylvania


Dominion Voting machines continues to attempt to prevent any investigations into their voting machines used in the 2020 Election.


According to CBS Pennsylvania:


Dominion Voting Systems has asked a court to restrict any inspection of its voting machines as part of what Republican lawmakers call a “forensic investigation” of Pennsylvania’s 2020 election to a laboratory that has specific credentials.


The Denver-based voting-system manufacturer filed paperwork in court Monday evening as Republican lawmakers move to inspect Dominion’s machines and software in southern Pennsylvania’s sparsely populated Fulton County using an unaccredited contractor that has no election experience.


In its court papers, Dominion requested an order requiring that any inspection be conducted by a federally accredited voting system test lab or a national laboratory used by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency.


The problem for Dominion is that the federally “accredited” voting system test labs for years weren’t accredited when they were used as accredited test labs. We found this in Arizona this last year. When we pointed this out, the EAC immediately updated the two labs used in Arizona that day. These labs self-assess anyways and no one is reviewing these assessments that we can tell.


The other entities that Dominion mentions, “national laboratory used by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency” are also likely limited in nature too.


What it comes down to, is Dominion wants to pick who looks at their voting machines.


As an auditor or investigator, when someone prevents access to data requested, multiple red flags arise. Many companies have annual code of conduct documents that all employees must sign that state that each and every employee must provide auditors the documents they ask for when they ask for them. Going against this policy could likely lead to termination.

This is very concerning that Dominion won’t openly allow investigators to look into their machines.

Anonymous ID: c5c933 Jan. 5, 2022, 9:38 a.m. No.15313580   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Labour’s leader tests positive again for Covid


Sir Kier Starmer begins his sixth isolation, having contracted coronavirus for the second time since October


Labour Party leader Sir Kier Starmer has been forced to withdraw from Wednesday’s Prime Ministers Questions (PMQs) session in Parliament after testing positive for Covid a day after delivering a key speech in Birmingham.


The Labour Party announced on Wednesday that Starmer had again contracted Covid. It was detected as part of his regular testing regime, forcing him to self-isolate for the sixth time since the pandemic began. He has received two doses of a Covid vaccine as well as a booster shot, and is not thought to have developed any symptoms, but is following government guidance to quarantine.


He had previously contracted the virus at the end of October, and had also had to self-isolate on four other occasions after coming into contact with others who had tested positive.


Starmer’s positive test result comes less than 24 hours after he set out his vision for the country during a speech in Birmingham, where he outlined his “contract with the British people” if Labour takes office at the next election.


Present at the event were a number of local Labour MPs, regional officials, party advisers, and members of the media. After speaking, Sir Kier toured a green energy research site nearby. It is not known if anyone else he came into contact with has tested positive or is self-isolating.


The UK government’s rules currently mandate that infected people must self-isolate for 10 days from the day they test positive using a PCR test, although this can be reduced to seven if they test negative on two separate lateral flow tests taken 24 hours apart on days five and six.


Starmer’s positive result comes after the UK hit a record-high number of daily Covid cases, reporting 218,724 new infections on Tuesday, bringing the total number recorded in the past seven days to 1,269,878.