How does one systematically destroy corrupt and evil institutions, globally, without going scorched earth on them?
STEP 1. Awaken the masses
STEP 2. Expose the corrupt for what they truly are
STEP 3. Get them to deatroy themselves
For the Rookies & Normies out there… The Highest and Most Excellent form of Warriorship is Destroying the Enemy, without Destroying Oneself Spiritually, Morally, and Ethically. Ot is easy to live by the sword, to then later die by the sword in the name of Vengeance. However, when the Righteous and Patient Warrior, like the Prophets of Old, conspire with God, they way is made straight. All of the enemy's plans, machinations, and plotting all turns to shit, in a vortex storm of failures, despite all their efforts. Patriots & Anons have, are, and will perform the 12 Labors of Hercules. Have & Keep the Faith. Be Not Afraid. We're Not Going to Take It, Anymore!