Why so many preacy dumb asses tonight thinking they're dropping pearls of wisdom? Their shit is way stale for this board
Eating dinner - thanks so much for the visual
Skipping the Qanus. thx
Starting to think the whole thing was faked
With a name like Assy im not surprised
Not the expression of a man who is in charge
Ousting the invisible enemy worldwide. More to come
They will call it the time when we took our world back from the Parasites who destroyed it
When things began to go the wrong direction
Unless he knows exactly who was responsible and who was NOT…
It is very helpful to work very hard to keep an open mind and not get too attached to any ideas of who may be heroes and who may be villains
Helps me stay on an even keel so I dont miss things because muh emotions/anger
Also makes the ride more enjoyable
Dude went to bed but left the stream up. Down to 49 miles, but thr velocity hasn't changed..odd