Time for another continental congress hosted by We the People, not masons or any other groups…just We the People.
Holding a continental convention effectively strips the current sitting government from power…without a shot being fired…supposedly.
But as we can see the mafia in DC is not going to give up their power.
I think you already know the answer to that question.
If not just ask yourself why the military didn't step in on the last election like they should have done.
>I just do not understand the WHEN part of this plan. I think that is where most anons are finding them selves these days.
I think the answer to this lies with the big SCARE event…Biden won, look at how we are all worried about what comes next now.
'added jobs' = 'Help Wanted' signs on door shops.
No actual jobs filled, just help wanted signs, or jobs added like the Chinese do…come to your home and force you into a job.