Every single one of the sleazebags will be brought to justice. Every. Single. One.
Muh hypothalamus.
Millions have the scabs ripped off their eyes every day, but anon could still name dozens of people who still believe every word of it. People who would literally rather die than admit to being wrong forever, and actually fighting for the dark side.
The machine has worked on each of us 24/7 for every day of our lives, attempting to overpower our minds and hearts. Some of us have fought for our lives (literally), but others either were too weak, or did not even try to resist. So the minds were taken, and every day afterward was like a needle being stuck on an old LP, digging the groove deeper with each revolution.
After excoriating and denigrating the sane people who attempted to help them, during mankind's (thus far) worst crisis, and wholeheartedly throwing in with the beast, how do they admit to being wrong? How do they say, "I fought for the dark side, and took orders from the beast via TV."
And yet they must come to grips with all of it, or the physical death will appear as nothing down the road. It is the second death they should fear with every particle of being. Anon says this because someone who CHOSE to believe lies, and CHOSE to identify with the liars speaking them, actually BECAME THE LIE. What does one say when one is in the presence of THE TRUTH? There is really no defense, which is why anon says they MUST come to grips with what they have done, no matter if it rips their souls apart.
Now watching this play out with a close elder relative, who is circling the drain with vax related impending death, and who remains silent, tight lipped, in the face of it. Because if he admits to dying because of vax idiocy, then he has to admit that "the others" were right all along, and that he fought to destroy the world. Then he would have to admit that yes, in addition to NWO depopulation dreams and the associated Great Reset, one major purpose of the vax was to create the conditions for stealing the vital American election in 2020. He has to admit that Trump and Patriots were openly robbed, and that he cheered it on while mocking patriots. Further, he has to admit that this was only the climax of an entire life with his head up the six. How does an ancient come to grips with this?