It isnt exactly hidden/secret
You should listen to his words
Marketing - Omiceon wasn't scaring anyone so they tscked bug bad Delta to it. Grrrrrrr! Be a-scaret, damn you!
anons have known for some time
I have two grown kids who are probably lapping this shit up. But we aren't allowed to talk about it since I warned them about vaccines. Gives me a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach
One of them is a nurse, so of course she knows everything and I am just the stupid who won't get vaxxed
Nah, they've been dangling this one for at least a week already. They just had to get louder since no one is paying attention
Good for you. Want a sticker or something?
Maybe a special NPC trophy for joining their ranks?
Why would anyone give a fuck? There us literally NOTHING in a Walgreen's that i can't live without
Aaaarrrrggffhhhhhhh!!!!! Now I have to be unafraid harder than I was before and I was already the most unafraidest unafraider you never saw. This stupid shit is such a beating. So glad I dont watch tv
I member that