Listening to the interview Dr. Vladimir Zelenko did with Glenn Beck yesterday morning about his Zelenko Protocol and he was quite adamant that the vaccines are shit. He explained that if the virus is caught early ie…….first stage, 5 days or so and you take a regimen of HCQ and the ZPac which is zinc along with a antibiotic that this thing gets cured almost immediately. His success rate with this treatment was almost 100%. It was a very informative conversation. He then went on to talk about when Gov. Cuomo issued an EO baning the prescribing of HCQ and Ivermectin in Mew York. He explained that the Zinc is what prevents the virus from repicating itself but that the Zinc cannot make it's way into the virus cell to kill it. This is what HCQ and Ivermectin does. The analogy he used was that Zinc is the bullet but if you don't have a gun to put that bullet in, the bullet is worthless. HCQ and Ivermectin is the gun. Both of these drugs open a pathway into the covid cell allowing the Zinc to penetrate and stop the replication. When HCQ and Ivermectin were banned, a move he said himself, was a crime against humanity, he was left to find something else and he did, accidentally. Quercetin, which he discovered does exactly the same thing as the HCQ and Ivermectin does. Opens that pathway into the covid cell where the Zinc can kill it. And it's over the counter. I'm going to go back and listen to that interview again. In the meantime, I found his site and after reading through a lot of it I'm convinced that this is what will be needed if I or wifeanon comes down with this shit. I'm not a shill for Dr. Zelenko but if you listened to this interview and read the information on his site it make absolute, total sense. He is making available his protocol called ZStack. I'll be ordering some of this today.
Look, you are anon. Don't take my fucking word for this or anything else without doing the research yourself. You know this. Go to his site, read the information and you will come to the same conclusion as I did. If you don't? You are fucking retarded.