On one hand y’all say covid is a fake hoax. Doesn’t exist. Nobody died of it. On the other hand you’re gobbling up the veritas release and darpa on and on.
What’s your fucking stance? Y’all act like the rats. Same same.
On one hand y’all say covid is a fake hoax. Doesn’t exist. Nobody died of it. On the other hand you’re gobbling up the veritas release and darpa on and on.
What’s your fucking stance? Y’all act like the rats. Same same.
Double think. Got it. Thanks Hillary.
You’re new. I’m not.
So the veritas release is fake? It wasn’t planned then? Omg.
Is the covid gain of function virus real and from wuhan? Was it planned? Was it released on purpose to kill people?
Or is all this (today) a DS play to make us believe it was really real when it’s not?
Your mental gymnastics are astounding.
It would be better if you woke the fuck up.
Never happen. Ever.
Verbally ass raped. Cool. How about a real one in prison? Never gonna happen. Ever never ever. Justice? Winning? Control? Muh narrative.
Then he’s into culling himself then I guess. Trump that is.
Funniest and most ridiculous statement ever and he has some big ones.
He’s a simpleton. Works for some things but not defeating the swamp.
Tests are fake and covid is fake but you want Fauci hung?
I guess. I’m trying to learn QR think. Muh frustration loading.