you suggest getting vpn but soooooo many ips were banned that us free users have very little ips to access. can you unban my work ip please?
no, no they don't
exactly. he posted the other day that he was doing what was asked of him. what exactly was asked? by whom? where are the screenshots of that conversation?
>ip hopping shills
you idiot. most of those "shills" were NOT shills at all. the more you banned the more ip hopping happened. what don't you understand about that? you can't really be that dense can you?
thank you. I know it takes time but a lot of anons have been dealing with this shit way too long.
You nor anyone else has any idea who anyone here actually is. Period.
how about 8bit, fastjack and oss all explain what THEIR agenda was? WHO asked oss to do what he did? what was the end goal? let's start with that.
says the acne faced teenager tryna be edgy. go drink your ovaltine
but yet they were never questioned when they were in charge. not gonna fly
cry harder. and fuck your stupid graphics and screenshots loser
someone call a doctor. I think I hurt myself with that massive fucking eyeroll that jusst came over me.