Any anon got that GameOfTrumps with the 17s?
Weird how the board suddenly slowed down to a crawl.
There's something to these TRUMPEPE cryptocurrency memes. It came out before Q started posting and it's just now surfacing. Like somebody knew NFTs were going to be a thing.
Hory shet! There is definitely something to this PEPE NFT shit..
I'm working on a theory. These Pepe NFTs that came out a month before Q first posted are a way of wresting back control of the money. Get a bunch of retards and autists to share pepe memes thereby generating wealth for the people who own the NFTs. It's a work in progress. If this is what's happening it is fucking BRILLIANT!
Or it could be a tool to subvert the existing fiat currency. It all depends on who is holding it. Like a tool or a gun. It can be used for good or for evil.
Melania certainly profited. See my prev posts for sauce
I've adjusted my theory. The rollout of NFTs and crypto is being used to shift the value into those, so that when the cabal destroys the economy, it can be restored by the good guys. It's not just about generating wealth, but rather keeping it from being plundered by the same cocksuckers who have done this before and erased our history. It is a cycle of destruction, but the good guys are trying to prevent it from happening again.
>the only way to. neutralize them is to destroy their power: money.
and their control: history
I'm thinking of it like a hedge against total economic failure. It seems to me that the pattern is that economy and technology get to a certain point and the ruling class always crash it and rake in the wealth while setting humanity back 1000 years or so. It also seems to me that the good guys know this pattern and have devised a way to prevent it. Our economy and our history are on the verge of crashing, again. But I think we'll be ok.