>every fucking nigger fantasizes about shooting random people
and every gay mason psychopath currently in the US military
>every fucking nigger fantasizes about shooting random people
and every gay mason psychopath currently in the US military
>FBI Denver Provides Final Investigative Update on Gabrielle Petito Case
>January 21, 2022
>My friend just told me that his girl friend got a text from
her cousin that saw a post on some facebook acct that he can't remember but says it's totally legitโฆ
> This is honest to GOD real life. Don't waste it.
>Expect attacks on Lin Wood
only if the grandiose ass shows up here again posting muh NOBLE and HOLY Doctrine,
along with the usual whining about all the people being mean to him
>like the Hotel California.
except people aren't getting tortured and little kids aren't getting raped for the amusement of the mutants
> the real homos have possibly set the record for being the least obtrusive and easiest to get along with
male gay mostly true
bull dyke mostly false
Hollywood is fake and gay shit pretending to be anything other than what it is(crap)
> are CIA operations
@johnhereto? admitted he was career clown
he was trying to trade a big stash of blackmail video/audio and testify for immunity, got told to fuck off by former admin(DJT) people
clown trying to save his own ass anyway possible it seemed
>They tell us who they really are in a lot of the shows
suck a chainsaw psycopath
we already know
>Does the Pentagon have any indications that perhaps a submarine may be trying to defect?"
>"No, we do not."
sounds slightly serious
guess that might be why the navy cucks have been making loud fag sounds lately