Kek. Barksdale AFB. This one was off the map for a couple of hours out over the Pacific.
It could be an E-6. But the altitude and flight profile say B-52 all the way.
His name was Robert Paulson.
Flying gas station headed NE over the Atlantic. Not moving slow either. High and fast.
It's probably just your body fighting off the latest flavor or variant or whatever.
Oh yeah. We've seen these guys operating before. Seems they are collecting data for cable companies. Yeah, I know. that sounds crazy. But seriously. They can use aerial sensors to evaluate the condition of their service distribution grid.
Vasily! One ping only!
Pursuit of Happiness.
<Anon is beginning to think that the final definition of fully vaccinated is no pulse.
This needs context. Why the f#*k would a reporter ask a question like that? Mockingbird much?