"E-bake" = "Emergency bake"
No updates to notables or the dough are made, but anons can post in new bread.
Grabbing the Dough
STEP 0 Got the General image?? (Iwo Jima or similar)
''* If not, copypasta from Step 0 example.''
STEP 1: Find the Current Dough
''* Copy pastebin link into a browser window.''
STEPS 2 and 3: Copy the Current Dough
(Dough will appear in
''* Copypasta entire text into text editor like Notepad++.''
(Notice the PAGE BREAKS=== that separate the posts)
Creating the Thread
STEP 4: Find "Create a New Thread" in the catalog or index
''* Go to catalog or index; Create a Thread is at the top (CAP 3).''
STEP 5: "Create a Thread" What to Do
''* Fill in THREE THINGS:''
Subject: [example] Q Research General #11039: My Bread Name Edition
Comment: [copypasta page 1 of dough–the one with the Q posts]
File: [copypasta image from Step 1]
STEP 5a: E-bake (~ 630 fast, ~670 slow)
''* Click "Create a thread"''. (5% of the time it will say "Posted" and appear right away–but not usually!).
This is called "thread hang" and happens routinely. See MP4.
STEP 6: Finding the New Thread & Finishing the Bake
''* Ignore the fake "posting 100%" message, WAIT WAIT WAIT 30-40 SECONDS for the thread to post.''
''* Open catalog or index in new tab; thread should be close to the top (catalog) or right after current thread (index).''
''* Copypasta the rest of the dough from the text editor into the new thread; if you get a "page too long" message, break the post in two & retry.''
Only one thing more to do: the dough post.
Dough Post
__STEP 7:
''Since you didn't change the dough, just copy the same link from Step 1 to create the dough post.''
''Label it something like "Old dough so it's clear it's a e-bake.
(If everything is copacetic, you can also go back to old bread and post a "fresh bread" link.)
(if things don't go quite as planned, remember: you're the one who stepped up, mistakes can be corrected!)