>>15445681 lb
quite some time before working at that company bakery guy and his girlfriend kind of "walked me" though our city. kind of like showing me around to others, in fact kind of like a dog on a leash.
the official reason was his girlfriend having some kind of appointment in the city center and him not having a car so I offered to go drive him to pick her up and have some food somewhere.
couple of things happened.
when being at the trainstation a couple of homeless guys got into a fight and I just knew it was "mason fake" stuff. so I approached them and split them (arbitrade). they were not thworing punches but yelling and stuff. would have splitted them anyway I guess bc this is ust the right thing to do, at least kind of organize the situation in a way they would not hurt themselves and fight, or just by splitting them myself, as I am a rather big guy there were not big need for being super brave. also did that kind of stuff couple of times (and when today looking back, it ALL appears in a mason-fake way, my whole life does, not a great thought to have).
when having split them I could feel or know that this is what those people wanted me to do. they wanted me, the one true living God to show off when asked to show off something, like being brave or being compassionate about others. well, I am, just look at my whole life. trying to make me look like an actor is not convincing people but is a lie and fake and has the potential to later be exposed as lie and having the very opposite effect. (obviously smart people should know that. but then again there is the possibility of you ALL being controlled by what you refer to as the holy spirit and now just changing the world while knowing that it´s completely irrelevant wheater somethings appears fake. don´t like that thought as it just does not explain in any way why you all would not change the world much faster.
so I splitted them and the people around were like "cool, Jesusacted brave, we can sell that" and I was "supposed" to now move an and walk into the city with bakery guy.
but they still seemed to want to fight, so I decided to make him follow us (in fact kind of friendly pushing him for like a few hundred meters thought the main train station from back entry to front entry). he did not seem to like, neither did bakery guy, but that´s what I wanted to do.
we talked a little and he even said something that prolly was from his perspective as bold as he could be without braking bs mason law. he said something like you have a golden heart or something. while this still felt fake b the whole situation was fake, I liked to hear that (not as in "fuck I am the greatest" but as in "I am happy that you see me, it makes me tear up my eyes and I just want you to have a good life".
he then said he was going to drive by train into another city close, he said that when we had a smoke outside the tran sation at the front entry and he also said that he would shoot some cocaine into his arm. (I guess that was to tell me that he would kill himself now, either to only make me feel bad or to show me that he had not solved his super secret bs mason task to completion. but as I simply did not know that this is not what is to be done with coke I did not think of it as "I will die" but as "well, he needs help with his drug addiction or he just don´t has to act like an addict only bs mason bs law says so)
[again: masonry makes it appear as if you would have to suffer and be either victims or criminals or both bc of some super secret stuff. it only makes you act controlled when you all are free people that want to do good and it makes some people earn a lot of money when whole societies just accept bad shit as "mason wise needed and good". it´s not. bad is bad. good is good. as simpe as that!)
so bakery guy and myself moved on and a homeless guy (who really looked bad with complete black hands from rubbing old cigarettes and their ashes into his hands). and he asked me to buy him a beer (not sure, but I guess, maybe first asked for money, dunno).
so I thought that this was another fake way of showing the world that I actually am a good guy after having freaked out masons as rainman.