Anonymous ID: 23e22f Jan. 25, 2022, 8:15 p.m. No.15462644   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2645 >>2809

couple of random thoughts. and bc I just hit some kind of kayboard combo to make mozilla close down and I do not have links to my prev. posts anymore going to say it again.


this is me, The Frank Christian, your messiah and the one true living God posting.


so bc I just closes the browser w/o intention to do so. I start with this one.


after the Berlin thing with bakery guy and his girlfriend and the host and two other people and after having kind of been controlled by some sort of routine (cold, warm, walking, smoking, laying down in bed and doing chakra stuff,…) my body today is sometimes acting on it´s own. dunno if this is some fancy ass tech and agencies (good or bad, but that distinction can really not be made anyway) or if it´s what I call "the universe" today, and you might call it God, the devil, some kind of aliens or Trump and some secret secieties (tesla and such).

so fact is my body is doing some twitches many times a day. not the twitches where e.g. your eye is doing twitches quickly but in a little different way.

one time, after the Berlin thing bakery guy and his girlfriend said to me if I knew the thing that "your right ear rings" when you think of something good. dunno remember 100% anymore. but it was like they just mentioning that (in whatever way that fittet a normal conversation, but whatever) your left ear rings when you hear (or think of?) something good and your left ear rings when you think of something bad.

dunno when it exactly started, a lot happens every single day and sometimes it´s hard to remember stuff exactly, but today it´s like this:

many times a day either my left ear or my right ear make a little "click" noise. as if someone would shoot a little air into your ear and your eardrum reacting with a drum beat. also e.g. my toes twitch, not strong enough to actually move the toe but strong enough so I notice it. toes on left and right foot kind of had the same meaning as the ear thing, good and bad.

also my lip twitches, either upper lip or lower lip, and for me that had the meaning say or don´t say something.

so obviously I neither want any hints on how to behave, what to do and obviously it is nobodys place to let me know what his thoughts are. I don´t care and my reply usially is "fuck you", to whomever, if the universe, or God or the devil, or aliens, or Trump mil secret society folks. if you want to make me do or not do something, you should go fuck yourselves!


also other people turn their head in a twitch like motion sometimes, as a part of pretty much everybody I meet doing some funny stuff when I am around, like animals too.


(just saying it for future generations and think it all needs to be said)


also my body is sometimes doing little movements that I did not intend to do. obviously I won´t really do something with out me wanting to do it or noticing it, like actual actions. but I refer to rather little things. e.g. I wash my hands after having gone to the toilet and when turning out the water my hand makes a little tiny movement leading to me touching a part of the tap that I consider (e.g. bc my mom is pretty busy keeping those spots unclean) unsanitary, leading to me washing my hands again and being pissed off (a little or even much).

could be me holding something and then loosing grip and letting something fall down, could be - like just happened - me sort of coincidentially and not intended pressing keys on my keyboard to make mozilla and all my tabs close. (and as it wanted to update for some days, the tabs could not be opened again, at least it did not ask me "wanno have old tabs again?")

Anonymous ID: 23e22f Jan. 25, 2022, 8:16 p.m. No.15462645   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2809 >>2974



so maybe that for some of you makes it important to watch for any typos I make. please don´t. please listen to what I actually say and do not use a single typo to try to put your own bs meaning into it. I do have a mouth, listen to what I actually say.


also, in terms of unsanitary. I think that some people are trying to make me fit their own imagination of how they think I would be like and also it feels like other people (some from the past, not even going to explain) like Trump are kind of acting in a way that I act.

e.g. it is said that Trump is afraid of germs. and I thought some times if there maybe was a prohecy that said the messiah would be afraid of germs, or wash his hands often, or whatever.

this could refer to so many things and it could be falsely bended in so many directions.

fact is: I am not afraid of germs and e.g. when being drunk I often did stuff that people do when being drunk, like drinking other peoples beers or picking up a cigarette that had fallen on the ground and smoking it (not one that layed there for whatever reasons, but one I just dropped). I am however washing my hands little more often than usual, for mainly two reasons. 1. I just do not like greasy fingers and that leads to me doing e.g. this [washing hands, fixing a sandwitch, washing hands, eating it, washing hands again]. obviously I could do it another way, but I just want to do it that way and e.g. not get any grease on the remote from tv as I always eat in front of tv (tv is basically all I do all day long bc you making me carry the cross).

  1. I wash my hands after having smoked a cigarette bc don´t like the smell much especially when lying on the couch and having my head layed down on my hand/arm.

also I do not like raw meat much and while I could crumb a schnitzel, I just don´t really like to do it and touch it. that being said, I eat "mett brötchen", so raw chopped up port on a roll.


so I might appear germophobic, when I am not.

I also might appear autistic, when I am not.


and in terms of other people, just two examples. I kind of make the Merkel face all day long (bc you making me carry the cross) and, I kind of have Hitler balls (Hitler only one testicle, as a child and sometimes even today one of my testicles sort of moving in the space between bone and skin to sort of dissapprear - when jerking of and lying in a position that leads to that). anyway, as I said, going to post some random stuff. and there is the chance that thoughout history people were claiming to be me for some of those tiny things that maybe were part of some prophecy and that can so easily be misunderstood or willingly misused.


also, I washed my hands very often at the start of corona (like 3 or 4 times in a row) bc I really thought it could not harm after having been outside. and some time later I washed my hands while asking God to forgive my sins and everyone´s sins. as as far as hivemind mason stuff, you all were part of it many times. just saying it now.

Anonymous ID: 23e22f Jan. 25, 2022, 9:07 p.m. No.15462974   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2979


some other things that might be based on you all (or the top illuminati, so called, folks) just misunderstanding prophecy and while trying to save the world not really getting it right.


It is eye catching that tpday so many people seem to be thinking they are born in the wrong body and when e.g. being a male thinking of being a female.

this can be based on many different things, some of you might think it´s proof for kind of having different souls in your body, for me it´s not.

there are people who I saw (very few personally, most in tv) who really seemed to have a much more fulfilled life after changing gender.

but obviously it´s a really tiny minority and e.g. having school books suggesting that one out of three kids is in the wrong body and having parents (masons!) who think they sould dress up little boys in dresses bc they really feel (imo told by masonry to feel, or even convinced) that their boy would be a girl, is not a good thing as it obviously makes a real hard life for a boy that got kind of forced into being a girl.

also I once read and consider it likely that people sometimes "turn" gay after being sexually abused as children.


obviously I like anyone gay or thinking he is in the wrong body just as I would like anybody else. not bc I think I would have to say that bc being the messiah (first I indeed thought I had to behave like jesus in the bible, now I do not think that anymore and strongly refuse to be (made) an actor.

I know a couple of gay people and never ever had thought bad about them, why would I? they are nice people and it´s not up to me to judge their sexuality.

also met one girl that today lives as a boy. met him in the mental clinic I went to bc of depression. as he was in a mental clinic he obviously was having some sort of problems and I thought, w/o knowing obviously bc not knowing his history well, that maybe he feels that he is a boy bc he had a hard live and for whatever reasons thought that boys would have an easier live, maybe also to soft of get rid of an old live by that change. also dunno if he had surgery.

I woud not go as far as the simpsons episode with the turning into a dolphin by surgery that ridicules people who seem to have some trouble in life. but boys are in general boys and girld are girls and the vast majority is sexualy attracted to the other sex, bc that´s how humanity has babies.


so not at all judging the people while thinking some sore of forced stuff, like schook books and such is really bad for society.


so what I wanted to say is the following. maybe people thought on how to fulfill the book (or rather hidden mason prophecy) and came up with the idea to sort of make many people change their sex.


reason for that could be the following.

me having worn a pink dress as a child one time (I guess my sister had it and I, as a little boy, just really wanted to wear it as well. prolly like kinds being interested in exactly the toy another child uses. obvious to psychologists and prolly alot of others.)


so maybe, given the high chance that you all know who I was way before I knew (also when today looking back there was a lot of that stuff that goes on today but I did not get it. small example. me studying and the professor having opened his email account of the beamer screen for everyone to see and one of the mails was on his getting his "new 7" series bmw. obviously had no idea ad just thought that he earned enought money to afford a car I considered nice.


so maybe that was somehow used as great proof that boys should become girls.


maybe it´s also the fact that I do have some female ways to my personality. I have a high EQ and (while sometimes enjoying to act all cool and kind of alpha male, especially as adolescent.) I also am very understanding to other personalities and seem to have some of the ways and qualities that in general are more commen with females.

Anonymous ID: 23e22f Jan. 25, 2022, 9:07 p.m. No.15462979   🗄️.is 🔗kun


so maybe prohecy gave a hint on who/how I was (you all knowing when I am now looking back does not give need to that, but as indeed timelines change it is that was now and was not that way before, complicated) and it was used and misunderstood as "world can only be save if more men are women and vice versa".


also today there are many autist people or as it´s called since a few years are part of the spektrum (also interdasting name, with light an all, also was changed from ICD 10 to 11…).

so why are there way more people who are being considered or diagnosed as autist today? dunno. maybe the world has gotten more complex and that is why this sort of missing filter is not more obvious.

but then again, one I read the for me best fitting description of being autists as just often not getting the context, and obviously that must have been equally true couple of hundred years back.

so maybe some top leven masons / illuminati (they are now when they see me, never were before!) used pharma and other stuff to indeed make more people become or be born as autists.


and maybe that is a misunderstanding and based on the fact that I might also have autistic ways to my personality and behaviour.

I am not an autist (know some and read alot about them, not alot, but enough to know, am a smart guy as you know) and especially the not getting context in conversations thing does not fit me at all.

but obviously when being "rainman" I was not only called (both ridiculed and sort of cheered) rainman, but also did some nice work (maybe in terms of seeing FFs) which was not only on QR considered "autistic".


also today I do some stuff that even more appears autistic. eg. me wearing headphones with no mucis turned on (my phone cannot do that bc old one and new ordered one did not arrive…some things have not a very deep meaning but just are the way they are) bc especially when my heart is beating overtime (without me doing that and without a reaon, like running or such) I am very annoyed and pissed of by people around me (masons, knights, almost all people around me, no surprise as I am who I am) make loud noises that then sofrt of give a little push to my heart making it beat even harder/faster.

so that earphone thing and also me not reacting to people bc being very pissed of on those fake disciple knights might seem autistic.


also, just to have said it, when I was in that mental clinic I was diagnosed (by masons however…but sort of fits me or me back then) with a Obsessive–compulsive personality disorder. this basically means I set very high requirements to myself as well as to others.

and that is true.

I am setting high requirements for how other people should behave (gehört sich so in Germany, just how pople should act, obviously in a specific cultural background and such), but as I also set high requirements to myself, I (in the past, little different today) felt that it would be right for me to be sort of forgiving to others.


could refer to tiny things or to bigger things. sometimes I just think, well, you could have and should have known better. but I (not refering to the whole saving the world thing, but to normal live stuff) did not shove it into peoples faces, bc of that would kind of break my own standard.


also this disorder is highly comorbid with being in the autism spectrum. and others stuff. being obese fits me, being afraid does not (kind of obvious), mood disorder sort of fits today bc being made (misunderstood!) carrying the cross, substance abuse fits maybe a little as I do smoke weed. and while this is not a real drug imo it obviously does e.g. make you enjoy your couch a little more than you prolly shoud (from todays point of view many people not going to work, maybe one week so manyn ww that it´s fucking obvious would be a good thing though).


just saying. it´s pretty likely you got stuff wrong and it´s most obvious that there was never ever any good reason for wars and such, now I am here, and maybe I fit those phropecys you misunderstood or misused. or maybe I do not.

and anyway, fuck old prophecy as I am here.