Global Jonestown: When the Whole World Drinks the Kool-Aid
It occurred to me the other evening that Jonestown and the People's Temple movement had to have been some sort of CIA psychological experiment, in preparation to what we're seeing now with the whole Coronahoax (convincing the masses to kill themselves by taking demonstrably unsafe jabs).
When I started researching it, I couldn't believe the parallels to today.
To begin, the leader, Jim Jones, basically promised Utopia and order through communism, illuminism, and miracle healings (which finds it's parallel in the so-called "science" in the Coronahoax), to a people who's lives generally lacked meaning, and who were generally overcome with hopelessness, lack of strong social bonds, and free-floating anxiety, being the period of Vietnam/counter-culture/civil rights movements (this goes back to Mattias Desmet's Mass Formation Psychosis theory).
The people then had a social community, and had to basically make all sorts of personal sacrifices to take up Jones' proposed communist living, which gave the people a sense of serving the "greater good", giving them a sense of fulfillment (finds it's parallels in the submission to lockdowns, masks, etc. in the Coronahoax)". This also caused the members lives to become be absolutely consumed with the affairs of People's Temple (kind of like people are today, keeping up with latest covid "case" numbers, variants, etc.).
Like Fauci who said, if one question's him, they're questioning science itself; they essentially took Jim Jones in the place of God. They listened to everything he said, and followed whatever orders he prescribed. To further their devotion, Jones then created a common enemy, uniting them all through fear by concocting fake "conspiracies" against him and the People's temple, supposedly seeking to destroy their vision to bring about societal change and utopia (i.e. the anti-vaxxers of the Coronahoax).
Once Jones started to be found out, with the Visit with Senator Leo Ryan, et. al. and he knew it was only a matter of time before it all fell apart, his true colors really started to come out. He was able to get his members to assasin8 the senator et. al. by making them believe they were jeopardizing their own lives and lifestyles (even though very few of the members were really happy, or really wanted to be their anymore; this accomplished chiefly through peer pressure, and because these people were so desperate for something to believe in, and were already so personally invested in all the lies).
This I believe, is going to find it's parallel in the increasing persecution and betrayal of the unjabbed, by the Jabbed, either direclty or through their compliance, as the media continues to demonize the unjabbed as the reason things can't go back to normal and for the the continued "life threatening" variants.