Hey Anons and You Know Who…
Seems this scientific study eludes to the fact that Quantum Entanglement through Phosphorous Atoms already occurs in our brain…
Quantum Cognition: The possibility of processing with nuclear spins in the brain
In researching further into Quantum Computing and Phosphorous I stumbled upon this MIT review.
This made me extra curious as I've delved into Phosphorous and it's weird history regarding the Philosopher's Stone & children disappearing in search of "the mythological White Hare" capable of making the elixir of life.
While that rabbit hole was interesting and made me think wtf are they really doing with Phosphorus… and why are we running low?
Article on shortage of Phosphorus: https://amp.theatlantic.com/amp/article/617937/
Then I saw more research suggesting the potential for Black Phosphorus to replace Silicon computer chips and it made me wonder what the rich fags in silicon valley are really up to mining the shit out of the earth and all it's minerals as well as the constant pursuit to create AI that renders people unessential.
Anyway… I'll leave this here and see if anyone else finds it interesting.
Whenever I don't understand certain drops I always look into other potential explanations.
Try the Alice and Bob are placeholders:
Hope that adds some additional context…