Anon has now watched 3 family members die after being jabbed, with a busload more in the works. Hard to get any uglier than that, but anon is ready as all get out, whatever they throw at us. Nothing left to lose.
The problem is that they are insane. Ravers. They STILL will not even consider obvious facts. They STILL support the insane things going on all around them. They do not want to know about D, etc. Can only name one out of several dozen, who took 1 jab, regretted it, and said no more. The 3 who died (last one a few days ago) left this world fully owned and operated, 100% committed to their beloved mass formation psychosis. The ones still alive are being eaten up, body, mind and soul. By the time the Pfizer data is out there, they will be incapable of understanding it even if they reluctantly forced themselves to look. Zombies, and anon agrees with Clif High that we are going to see these dying off over the next 3 years.
More likely it is group exposure to the most toxic jab lots.
Once read a work that described Soviet WW2 soldiers by saying, "They fought for their slavery." So true. Well, the people in my family are analogous to that. Yeah, they were pushed, but they jumped at the same time. They fought for their deaths, while hurling nonstop slurs at the sane people. Every one of them knows that anon considers them to be stupid beyond belief, the dumbest people ever to walk the Earth. They also know that anon thinks they are well on the road to death. They will not even TALK about it; they ignore me and cut me out of the loop. You would think that they would at least comment once when sent information that causes them cognitive dissonance. But no, too scary and dangerous to even look at it. So they hunker down in fetal position as they rapidly circle the bowl. They jabbed their kids too, and anon does not see them ever accepting responsibility for the horror. It was the vile unvaxxed who did it all.
True Doh thinks he has seen hateful.