This is a difficult pill for everyone to swallow, but if I am reading these drops correctly, and if we trust these drops as 'info' and not 'disinfo', then Q has already told the world that Canada Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is complicit in a planned NUCLEAR WW3 that was supposed to have occurred after the 'expected' HRC win 2016.
If these drops are accurate, then Canada Prime Minister Justin Trudeau should be immediately removed from office, investigated, tried in a legal court, and if found guilty, either thrown in prison for the rest of his life, or executed, for crimes against humanity.
Is THIS the real reason Trudeau has to smear the Truckers? The 'intellectual' and 'spiritual' foundation of the movement, this world movement, would be 'empirically' proved correct with information disclosure / declas?
Is the whole smear campaign designed to divide Canadians by falsely portraying anyone who agrees with the Truckers as ['racist', 'mysoginist', 'haters', 'white supremacists', etc], and who would want to be 'associated' to those names that already have a bad smell, right?
Is this why Trudeau, a man who quite possibly actively and knowingly was planning to permit the transfer of U1 from America over to EU where it would be used to construct a nuclear weapon which would of course be 'blamed' on the wrong source, with fake news push / echo chamber, is in hiding right now?
If he 'engages' with and acknowledges the movement, then he has no 'defense' in the form of misled citizens attacking other citizens to 'fight' against 'disinformation', with Trudeau 'standing outside' that controlled opposition narrative, and thus [insulated].
What would Canadians do if they saw proof that Trudeau was planning to be complicit in the satanic cult's planned nuclear WW3 that would have almost certainly prompted Canadian soldiers to go die in another manufactured war, and orphaning children, all for the sake of pocketing billions and gaining political power?