You have no idea just how wimey timey really is.
Government is to serve the people too.
He doesn't have to hold an office to be Speaker.
Awesomeness enshrined in the US Constitution - Article 1 Section 2.
Drop another tab and sleep it off.
Got a link?
So where's this interview with the brother?
In the video, tard.
Thanks, but I said I don't do FB.
Thank you.
>removed by a vote of no confidence by the parliament?
They're just as corrupt, so that will accomplish nothing.
Getting the money out of government, imposing term limits, peer reviewed vetting of ALL gov't officials.
That'd be a good start, but those already in won't vote themselves out.
So no actual sauce, got it.
Just install Mint and be done with it.
It'll take like 20 minutes.
Stop making things more difficult by overthinking.
Waiting for a review to confirm, or not, your own bias is just silly.