impossible while they control the apparatus of law making.
the fact they just consolidated control of the voting apparatus aside.
plenty on the duckduck
you do not know your enemy
it is not brute force that makes them dominate you so
it is simply that they are the foundation of all you have ever known.
you should keep that to yourself
it always comes off as disingenuous oncнаn.
those that do not understand that deserve the ridicule it engenders.
and He will not.
winnowing time is here
and you are center of the threshing floor.
you are not ready
He does not care
and "they" wil not be "on the ropes"
норе and assumption will ве тне death of too many here.
a damnd infestation is what it is.
looking rel8d to one.
ве damned.
it is him.
how can any anon remain here for Years
and still make shitty memes?
<that is a talent all by itself
you are still fucked in the skull.
you did not use your army to keep don in office.
that egg will not wash off.
you really should.n9t show your face here.
it is painfully embarrassing…
for Ron.
mathematically impossible…
about the time q left [our] asses hanging in the wind after years of effort and real time loss over it all.
come on naow…
spit suмман daт номеgrown CogDiss.
ø authority, as it turns out.
meth is bad for your brian.