Remember. Optimus Prime's real name is "Battle Convoy"
Also the voice actor is Canadian.
He was also K.A.R.R. (the evil car) in knight rider.
Police with rifles just went into Edifice Wellington building to set up sniper positions.
specifically Edifice Wellington, Chambre des communes.
specific building they police entered to set up sniper positions.
It used to be an insurance company before it was a Parliament building.,-75.7013463,3a,90y,160.35h,93.69t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1szlo-lJDlVmFbaztbAzKxsQ!2e0!7i16384!8i8192
No pepes are represented.
If she can get to the end of the song without being scared by a deer, then maybe.