great post bruh
apparently a couple hundred million dollars and a spot on network news
"infinite cunt op"
how hard is that to remember
ill probably still remember that 60 years from now
because it's an algorithm programmed to do that
you dont actually think you're talking to humans on here, do you?
would you like to play a game?
how many fucking boards did oss and comms make after they got btfo
no but that other guy "checked out the exif data" lel
she rode the bell didnt she?
or was that some other person
i think she disappeared regardless before the end of the war
sounds like a guy that uses the navy seals copypasta unironically
not even close
there are tons of people waking up
and tons of people doubling down on their self imposed prisons
this is a speciation level event
and just like homo sapiens and neanderthals, this wont end well for those choosing to live in a fantasy
people online arguing about what is and isnt justified killing
like they have ever been tested in their lives for anything
gotta love it