Nah I kept shutting down your hack of our WiFi Baker…look up… No coincidences right???
When you see who is paying the current 'crews' you will understand why it is a chat board. No doubt they are being watched and more importantly so are the 'people' they work for. The crews are gathering info as well as gatekeeping. Think their bosses aren't just a tad nervous?
Still some authentic anons here and organic bakers but many get drowned out by the shill teams.
Pillow worked with the the current 'crew' when massive numbers of posts disappeared (when the breads were deleted.) Look at the deleted posts in the restored breads and you will see who these qanoners work for.
Remember POTUS calls out the good and the bad (eyes on). Do your own research. Trust yourself. Stand.
The war has been raging around us for years. Don't let this place be a distraction from the truth.
If you can stand the noise it still can be an asset mostly due to the lurkers that echo out the research. Hang in there.