Just think, if Jesus was a coward boot licker who could think of nothing but sucking cop,
Like Q and Anons are….
We would have to wait for Canada and Denmark to set us free. Punk ass bootlicking scumbags.
Just think, if Jesus was a coward boot licker who could think of nothing but sucking cop,
Like Q and Anons are….
We would have to wait for Canada and Denmark to set us free. Punk ass bootlicking scumbags.
If you read this, it's because you volunteered to carry water for a boot licking, oath breaking traitor who wipes his dick receptacle with the constitution on the daily. Wake up and actually do something for your country.
Just think if you woke up and
doing nothing is "holding the line" and
telling the truth is "shilling".
You might be a boot licking cop sucking Satanic whore.