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Masonic Symbolism in the Assassination of John F. Kennedy

By James Shelby Downard with Michael A. Hoffman II


This excerpt Copyright©1998. All Rights Reserved.


The information I present in these pages on the Kennedy assassination is well-known to certain news agencies who have chosen to suppress it, just as the motivation for the assassination has been plunged into cryonic secrecy. Masonic betrayal of the "common man" involves archetypes of fertility and death symbolism seemingly motivated to bring about syncretism in opposing principles in order to green Israel, rebuild the Temple of Solomon and establish a One World government.


It is by way of Masonic sorcery that the union of opposing principles is supposed to be brought about. The criminals who stage-managed Dallas in the killing of Kennedy have controlled the American people's will in exchange for a sleep without nightmares. I publish this in the wake of the situation Charles Seymour alluded to: "The moralist unquestionably secures wide support; but he also wearies his audience." Most Americans are beyond being tired; the revelations have benumbed them.


Most Freemasons apparently have no idea of the evil that is part of Masonry, and if they do know about it they don't believe it. The same holds true for most members of the "Clandestine Lodges" and Masonic-oriented fraternal organizations as well as Androgynous Masonic Societies.


It is certain that onomatology, or the science of names, forms a very interesting part of the investigations of the higher Masonry…. –(Encyclopedia of Freemasonry)


When the ancients saw a scapegoat, they could at least recognize him for what he was: a pharmakos, a human sacrifice. When modern man sees one, he does not, or refuses to, recognize him for what he IS; instead he looks for "scientific" explanations-to explain away the obvious.


–Thomas Szasz, (Ceremonial Chemistry)


The "science of names" word wizardry forms only one segment of the science of symbolism used by Masons. The JFK assassination encounters this science in a decisive way and contains a veritable nightmare of symbol-complexes having to do with violence, perversion, conspiracy, death and degradation. These elements are important not only as cause-and-effect in the murder of a president but in the ensuing reaction of the people of America and the world.


The fertility and death symbolism in the "Killing of the King" rite which is part of Greening Ritualism that has to do with JFK, has been suppressed because examination of it must necessarily link it to "Freemasonry" and its mysticism, as well as to the political influence it exerts. Obviously this would do some damage to public confidence in:


a. Masonic progressivism. i.e. Iiberty, equality, fraternity.


b. Those who have shielded the conspirators.


c. The entire mental concept that passes for knowledge about the genuine nature of the government of the United States.