Can the 2020 election be fixed, now? Asking for a bunch of frens
Can the 2020 election be fixed, now? Asking for a bunch of frens
This. Also it’s pretty much a lifetime of darkness. The only time anon will see light is when passing and, because of anons’ brains, we’ll be like “wtf if that shit!? I don’t trust this”
Normies canceled Sunchips’ bag because it was too “noisy” when they attempted to make a biodegradable bag. If anon could afford a piece of granite anon would offer it for you to hang your head against it
Anon is not wrong. What people argue over the Bible? Tards and shills? The Bible says what it says. Men and women may have tainted it. Get over it and stop arguing. Any tables around to flip for phaggot being so ghey?
>People will look back on this the way some look back on the Salem Witch Trials
The goal is to have them “look back” before we die of old age or doing a back flip … so they can know they were tards
Only thing anon sees in your post and thinks about is how that log has aged in the water and if it’s able to be millled. Try harder
Not sure what you’re convo is about but anon once killed a wild dog in that same fashion. Off the tractor and biting throats. Made a decent meal
Anon only likes ski jump bewbs. Those are milk sacs for babies. Kinda gross when you think about it
Dang. Kellyanne doesn’t need to be reminded what her husband looks like. Spoiler that shit.
>Newbies are here
Were any of us afforded that luxury? Learn the hard way just like the rest of us
>most important jobs
Also shitposting to one’s last breath is up there on the list. It’s an “essential job”