i just looked that up, seems he has been brought up on that before and escaped because he had enough votes for him. No they are going to need more than a no confidence vote.
the counter to that argument would be no outside platforms. It would have to be one hell of a proof more than we have had here to wake people up to the we were always right. Now if Q came back here with a link to truth social that would be interesting.
yeah but if biden was not in the white house we would not really need more q posts because things would be fine. What ever was set up prior to the insurrection had to become black ops or something. I know we are not alone in this but does not make it any easier especially behind enemy lines. But we got this. with or without q posts.
oh yeah it had to be this way. WE were just the tip of the spear and helped warn people as best we could and we hold this digital front people had to become scared and then pissed. Our role i still think comes after all this breaks we are the comfort to the masses. At least that is my hope in between bouts of rage and anger at these fucks.
a muse uprising q video banned on yt years ago.
ok that gave me a boner. Plus the assassins were fighting the templars and the masons.
yeah your opinion is worthless.
oh so retardation. Got it.
verified just doing a google search.