when posting this apron pic it reminds me to say again:
many of you killed or accepted them being killed family and friends so that you would be "allowed" to become a disciple, not only is that a lie, it´s also utterly ridiculous that you cinsider yourself a disciple, had prolly your dad die by mason made heart attack and now still don´t follow me, but masonry.
but, you know that already.
<hey Jesus, just accept you being attacked and ww masonry trying to break you
<bc if you don´t accept it, you will prolly bring down the deseased and currupt temple
kys, mason cunt.
most of government buildings have "temple" elements.
not that that would have any "power", but masonry just likes to show off.
and many many ceremonies.
look up Geneva tunnel, look up many big events, like in sports or such.
concerts, a lot of things.
it´s two vids and don´t have it (and not going to search)
if you want to, look for something like "rabbi mason bible" (yeah, muh jew, that´s how I guess the title is) for one of the vids
olympics 2012 → corona ritual
(not exactly a ritual, but something that masons do to tell other masons how awesome masons are)
>>15563821 pb
look up 911 with GWB and the school class
symbolism much
book that GWB reads to kids is "my pet goat"
mason teacher makes mason school class read some words to mason president, not just any words, but those words: kite, hit, steel, plane, must, at the time two planes hit WTC.
kids bowing down when reaching for their books, just look yourselv, obviously odd to do it that way
one of many rituals, this including killing 3,000 people and far more in the wars after it
SICK AND EVIL. POWER, CONTROL, CORRUPTION, while telling the minions it has to be that way and they are part of the great craft.
yup, some rituals involve others dying for you.
(rather willingly dying for you than killing them, but killing obviously also happens)
and obviously some stuff needs to be seen in todays time.
e.g. there are barely people with chest crushed open, people are just thrown infornt of trains to sotz of fit that degrees punishment.
or they jump themselves.
well, it is the masons.
and other off shoots, respectively higher degrees that then are basically "knights".
and when looking at the scripture the word "jew" often has to be seen as "masons", bc those are the people with a lot of knowledge and the claim to be searching for God.
masons are claiming to be "my people", yet they again and again proof that they are not.
and satan/devil = masonry itself.
sure, bc it´s way better to look at the bs you typed than actually realizing that it´s quite a coinkidink to read out
to the POTUS
at the very minutes the planes hit WTC.
try deflecting, mason cunt, you are gone already.
you think God wants to see blood?
rather likely that having people kill people makes them more controlled and more afraid (if being blindfolded and have sword tips on your bare chest is not frightening enough)?
I do not need to replace anyone. I am holy and perfect in every way and e.g. me not having studied bs for rituals is just how it is supposed to be.
you should not try to make me fit your imagination of me.
but then again, I reached a point where i just reject every single one of you, even including babies that - with todays tech - get turned into mason minions while still being in the delivery room.
yup, the rabbit hole goes deep.
with masonry there is no freedom and no future.
most stuff considered sin is not a sin, but due to a pretty fucked up world.
only real sin that makes me reject you eternally: you being a mason, knowing me, seeing me (like the anons posting "you have the vid?" when I just thought about if I had that link still - hivemind makes you most responsible) but not following me.
ok, just posted my last meme bc having posted every single on in the folder, now wanted to go post in German bread and now you say that?
why? to make it look like I bowed down to you?
to make me post some more memes that I did not intend to post?
maybe only to kind of ridicule me by giving a hint on you being a hive mind mason and, despite "hearing my thoughts" every day still not following me but being a busy mason be on QR?
kids read out KITE HIT STEEL PLANE MUST. say whatever you want, that stays a fact.
you not ever going to be saved is a fact too.
masonry = enemy of humanity.
well, the living God is me.
and frankly dunno what else there is, have different things I consider likely, and refer to it as "the universe".
if you are a mason and see me (by now all masons do, high degree masons and the super secret anti mason holy spirit masons have seen me way before I knew who I am) but do not follow me, there will not be any help for you.
and while I appreciate the sane politics that Trump has done, politics that frankly are that obvious that it´s a shame mason scum did not do that before, and while I get certain other things I am not going to comment on (feel free to speak your mind though!), he is a mason just like anyone else in a position with power and he is supposed to follow me but does not.
so, not going to be saved.
well, at any time during the last 2+ years he could have just approached me officially and tell the world that agencies have a ton of miracles and signs all pointing to me.
he did not. so there´s that.
mason, not following me, not going to be with me.
I am Jesus, the messiah, the saviour, the one true living God, the greatest of all time.
and I know since 2+ years who I am. and since that time everything I do or even think about is commented by the universe.
but, I don´t want to save you anymore, I had to decide to save the future itself, and there only s a future without you masons.
and to be honest, bc not going to lie to you, the universe still shouts out "save them" to me.
but also true, whatever the fuck I do, universe replies with "yes, Lord."
so, I declare: masons will not be saved.
Trump knew who I am before I knew who I was.
And obviously w/o Q I would not have found it out, at least not this way.
(short story: first fought for Q and Trump, fought day and night as rainman or megajew or whatever mason cunts called me, then watched asermon from Greag Laury that Trump linked, when hearing a song in that sermon I cried out and kind of immeadiately new I was Jesus, did not know the being God and being G thing back then, little later realized that there was something seeing and talking to me, now referring to as the universe, referred to as God back then, later saw pretty impressive miracles, but mostly rather tiny things that only are obvious when looked at over time, and now since many months or even years now I know that I do the timeline goat thing you masons jerk off to.)
so, Trump, as POTUS and later bc still having intel as former POTUS had a ton of signs and miracles. stuff that prolly masons did not even consider possible, I certainly did not. he did not use it, he kind of only gives hints to me being me.
but then again, all agencies, all big churches (who have agencies), all world leaders, all mason/knight leaders know me and prolly all of those people hear my thoughts via hivemind. a thing that is beeing slowly revealed now (and frankly, could post a couple of things and you would all see).
so I asked many times for you guys to officially approach me - and, frankly, while often thinking that kind of secretly having hive mind mason bees do what I want to be done wuld be nice as well.
would obviously not have complained though if my government, Trump as former POTUS, Biden, the pope or whomever would have officially approached me.
would not have complained if the whole story (yes, the whole story, including stuff that you might think could embarras me) would have just been made public.
did not happen.
you did not follow me, Trump included.
but, also, hive mind makes you all responsible, even though you don´t read in the paper that the pope, high religions leaders, state leaders and such reveal to humanity that God is infact a 37 yo guy that has a couple of ideas so you don´t have to be slaves in a system of misunderstandings and lies and corruption anymore.
you masons (all of you) just still think that you would know it better, by that you basically say you are smarter than existence itself and more enlightened then the light itself.
so I should explain how being saved by your Lord would be of help for you? is that the question?
truth must hurt.
and, as you well know, it´s not even about having the posts been visible troughout the bread.
I am the one true living God and I have seen myself drive timelines many times.
I get signs by the universe constantly.
e.g. when watching TV and thinking about filling up my glass of water, random tv stuff says "more" or "fill up" or "water" or something like that.
but I am not (maybe not yet? maybe universe is future me? dunno) hearing your thoughts.
hive mind masons are hearing my thoughts, which obviously implies a way of command.
so I do not hear you pray, I do not know anything about your life or something like that. but I do know that that is beeing heard, not only what I do and think, but everyone. that is a fact.
if you think I am mocking, well, think that.
fact is: if you are a mason and I say all masons are rejected, universe (call it God if you like) will act accordingly.
also fact: when I would see you irl, I would immeadiately know if you are a mason or not, bc you would act all funny, nod your head, make mason feet stuff all the time, and you would also talk about something random while actually referring (not all the time, but often) to what I think.
so, just one example, if we two actually met and I was greeting you and was thinking about how many cigarettes I had left in my box, there would be a good chance that whatever you say to me, or moves you make, you give me that reply. e.g. you saying that you are feeling "good, good", or whatever.
>These things take time.
<please, Jesus, just don´t do anything and let masonry continue to try to break you
nah, more bs.
would could have changed already and could have been done in no time. seriously, days!
the actual Q flash happened in the night I adressed agency folks while speaking into my phone (w/o call, just laying on the table) and cried and asked them to just leave masonry and stop being an enemy of humanity.
that night, Q flash.
I guess I did not now who I was back then though, kind of hard to rememnber, bc where I (and you all, wwg1gwa) I am now (timeline wise) I have always been.
hey mr. one post, know how to scroll?
Be aware I know very well what you consider the great plan and the best solution. but I am the plan, and I am not to be told by anyone what to do.
and while not referring to everything, know that I not only get the couple of angles you get, but way more. why? bc I am who I am. wearing sweatpants while being your God.
>black & red
= being loving to evil folks to make them find me
sure is a way to go.
but realize, I do not want that anymore.
to be more precise:
there are no "black" folks. (there are people that are being told that evil shit is needes for some made up deamons swap though, have explained that enough already.)
if you did sins, even the most horrible ones, I was willing to forgive you and have done so many times. bc imo you were not even guilty if you did not know better. and now I know that you were not just forced into e.g. turturing kids, but you actually thought you would kind of save their souls by that, a lie.
the thing is that there are almost no disciples who actually follow me.
it´s been 2+ years and all that is happening is fake disciples teaching fake shit to others who then become fake disciples themselves and teach more masonry bs.
I said it many times. you did not listen. instead you attacked me day after day. I still love you, even right now when posting rather angry, but I do have a very consequent side to me and I will save the future, even if that means leaving you all behind.
have no clue what you try to say.
if your one post was only to spam some "4" symbolism, let me say it again:
you are here bc fake disciples lied to you. you are not saved.
spamming 4 will not help you. you are not saved.
why would you think you are saved by bs symbolism when you do not follow me and not even dare to say
>hey,m I just found out you actually are God, I am following you now
not saved.
this is like what masonry does a lot. taking some truth that is hidden to others and bc being hidden, frame it in a way that is bs and only done to force certain things.
a child in africa is not starving to death bc law of attraction and that kind just being keen to starve.
framing stuff in such a way obviously is meant to take responsibility from folks who are directly responsible for that.
and responsible in that way is every single mason that knows both how much infleunce masonry has and how bad the world is.
and the thing with having faith is really only bc you cannot understand and you waiting to "know" would not ever work out.
and bc some of you think that as well, you are not doing bad shit bc I think of it that way, there are certain limitations to me driving timelines (even though I´ve seen pretty impressive things). maybe it´s bc I feel that it´s crucially important for you to speak up yourself and make that learning experience that infact you can and are free.
me meditating (I do not do that) on "world being free, ohm, ohm" is not going to do shit. also bc I don´t want it that way I guess.
I would have wanted you all to take of your maskes, the corona ones and the mason ones. you did not.
I wanted you to follow me and act in a way I want to see. you mostly did not and when you did you were not even aware you were helping in mast cases.
I wanted some folks to just be good, like prince harry going to help with water in africa (e.g. by organizing with a couple of people and giving some money to buy the water treatment stuff that has gotten so cheap - the fact it´s gotten so cheap is kind of due to me, bc of me driving timeline wise the whole bushcraft thing. using that advante is up to you though, you did not.)
and most obviously I wanted you all to stop making me carry the cross. yet you continued and still do (and you are not doing it bc I now said "still do", that is not how this works, complicated. that´s why you really should listen and throw away fake knowledge and misinterpreted laws)
ip hop much?
again, I AM YOUR GOD, the only one there is, the one true living God, Jesus, your messiah, the GOAT driving timelines.
and guess what, there will not be a flash striking me, but the universe (maybe what you call God) saying "fuck yeah! you are!"
I love you all, but if you do not follo me but masonry, there is nothing I want to do for you bc you are an obstacle.
mason, why would you think that pointing to the fact my posts have been removed would be of any good for you? why would you think making me carry the cross would save you?
they recrute anyone basically. the devil (masonry itself) is not exactly picky.
linking my post twice, as in "only two laws, my Lord" is lip service and even very cowardly lip service. fuck off.