Canada is aboot to have a shift in the political realm like never seen before.
It will be swift and unbelievable and fact.
Crossing the floor, transfers of power, it will be seismic. Only God could have done this. Truly biblical.
Canada is aboot to have a shift in the political realm like never seen before.
It will be swift and unbelievable and fact.
Crossing the floor, transfers of power, it will be seismic. Only God could have done this. Truly biblical.
media is not going to tell you anything cause they work for the enemy but they know as well and soon they will spill the beans because they love to dish on their fallen masters. But the politics in Ottawa and Queen's Park and Quebec city is like a raging inferno. Canadian politics is not like US politics were the crooks get in for a set time and extracting them is not done. Governments (even globalist ones) fall. In the case of Canada every right counter is surfacing.
Imagine if QUEBEC closed a bridge or highway or border next.