Ebake before end of last bread? TBC notables? Globals changed? Who the fuck is baking right now?
There looks to be an absolute retard in the kitchen.
Yup. Retards in the kitchen.
That decode is nonsense. Just because it looks like a decode doesn't mean it is one. It doesn't follow logic.
>Shaq Has A Winning Hot Dog Recipe For The Super Bowl
Aaaaaaand we're back to tabloid level notables. Absolute retards in the kitchen.
Is that why you ebaked before the last bread ended? Ebake befopre the last bread ended?! And then had someone else collect your notables from previous bread? You do realize that was how the retards of absolute retardery ran things during their 6 months of tyranny after their infiltration? Not to mention tabloid quality notables, another of their tells. And then there's the deleted global.