> Russia-UK relations risk going ‘below zero,’ defense minister warns
Doing the bidding of her Rothschild masters by trying to kickstart a war now that covid has been exposed as a total sham here.
> Russia-UK relations risk going ‘below zero,’ defense minister warns
Doing the bidding of her Rothschild masters by trying to kickstart a war now that covid has been exposed as a total sham here.
'Massive interest rate cuts'? Only another 0.25% to zero.. Mind you I suppose that's a 100% cut.
UK raised last week due to inflation here.. Just bought some food, definitely more expensive at the moment.
'Scare event necessary'? This'll certainly qualify if vaccinated people start to wonder if they have a form of aids because of taking the vaccines.
I hope this isn't the case because many of my loved ones have ignored me and taken it but what can you do? I tried to warn them, I just hope there's a way to reverse it somehow.
Deformation of character?
Did this evolve into 'we need to stick a swab up your nose to see if you have covid'..
The police might obey him if he orders them against the people but would the military?