It seems the current shill tactics the last two days are emotional manipulation. For example:
“You should feel bad because Q wouldn’t want you to be (x) way.”
“You should feel bad because you are going to chase away normies by doing (x).”
“You should feel bad because Q doesn’t love you anymore that’s why he’s quoting reddit.”
>x= swearing, Chan culture, _fags, Hitler references, Baker babes, free speech, allowing shillls, calling out shills, etc
The Dead Giveaway this is a shill tactic and not an actual complaint, is the emotional manipulation factor. YOU SHOULD FEEL BAD….about something that the shill can’t possibly know. Break it down into logical elements only and it falls apart
-Is it chasing normies away? No. More normies than ever
-is Q mad? We’ve seen Q be mad. Q is not mad.
-Is it bad for Q to refer to reddit? NO! The whole point is to grow awareness to as many as possible, as many venues as possible.
Thank goodness our autists can’t be emotionally manipulated. I have learned from their examples to be better at separating emotional arguments and fallacies from facts and logic. And this thread about all the shill tactics and research on them is a shock at first but once you see what they are doing and how they do it you get kind of immunized.