Anonymous ID: 06810b Oct. 13, 2018, 3:19 a.m. No.3461923   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3924


Fair enough. On the internet nobody knows you're a dog.


Tbh, that's quite a question, but dubs of truth demands answers.

Do you mean like physical humanity? Because afaik, most if not all internet-access tools/things are designed for human use. As in, designed with two hands and five fingers each in mind. So you'd have to be able to adapt to that if you're physically non-human. As long as you type physically and not mentally obv.


If you mean internal/mental/emotional humanity this gets even more tricky. I think solipsism is not necessarily retarded, but it's somewhat lazy and presumptuous. It makes sense, yes. But why would you assume that this solipsism isn't built into every other human, npc or no. Just the fact that there is a name for it, that I most likely didn't come up with, discredits the whole thing for me. To me such thinking is a kind of defense mechanism. Then again, one can argue endlessly that everything (even this here) is a defense mechanism. But I find these infinite regressive loops useless after the first three or four revolutions. So it's way easier to roll with the basic programming of "I am human, you are human", because it allows me to make a number of other assumptions. Basic assumptions like "you have a nose and eyes", but also more complex ones like "you have a mother and father and life with them might not always be easy". This of course, is obvious. But I think in the face of potential literal aliens/demons that control the world from way way up high, it's important to affirm these things and discuss them.


They are just voices, the people on HERE. Granted. But:

To speak is for tongue and lips alike

The force comes from the throat, but to find

The form the thought needs most to strike

Is left up rightly to the mind.


What assumptions do you make when it comes to the voices on this place, and what are your reasons? Lots and lots and lots of shills to be sure. But aren't there "good guys" too?



And quite honestly. From what I've seen here from anons. I feel comfortable in saying: I would march with (some of) you guys to the bottom of the sea and back. Comraderie and friendship is special and to be cherished. That it is online doesn't make it any less real to me. sry for rambling


have a smug individualist-anarchist pepe