Anonymous ID: 4dabbb Jan. 7, 2019, 12:33 a.m. No.4642125   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Thanks but I came here to LEARN and HELP TRUTH


Watchu bin doin StepnFetchit?


You forget to put a "d" at the end of "supposed". You don't know how to use neither/nor or either/or in a sentence. Where you from Fetchit?


D'scribin' dem crazy white folk makin a whole town a folks in da mid a the Desert of Alamagordo figurin an cypherin all fa what I canna figya nowhise. It's al craziness to me. What dey thinking on I cant say, but I do know is crazy bein out hea in da desert wid folks gwine dis way n dat. Makes no sense ta dis nigga.


Nigga is you is or is you ain hear ta help?


Then wait til someone tells you to press the button- then you'll get a nice banana okay? Do your part ApeBot.


An don' take none a what I say as an an Ad Hominid attack okay?