Anonymous ID: ac884b July 5, 2018, 5:18 p.m. No.2049100   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9393 >>9483



It is incredibly suspicious this OP of the clown college uses (((muhjooshills))) and makes no mention of JIDF or other jewish shills that work hand in hand with the cabal throughout the known history.


JIDF is a fact, and they play all sides.


Starting this kind of bread just to spout this kind of msm nonsense and (((muhantisemitism))) variations is exactly what a clown would do in order to take the flak off of the jewish clowns who definitely ARE attacking others based on racial and religious grounds.


You need to answer to this, OP. You are starting to glow despite numerous anons pointing out the obvious and you refuse to stop lying about this.

Anonymous ID: ac884b July 5, 2018, 5:53 p.m. No.2049651   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1783


Let me chime in here a bit.

See the above anons:






Problem here is that the whole "muhjooshill" thing is a reddit-tier JIDF tactic word made specifically to be 'memable'. Same syntaxes and tones are being used across the net in commentary sections of medias, alternate media platforms (brietbart, zerohedge etc). We recognize them.

Imagine if board owner or volunteers started saying "we have no position on anti-semitism" etc.

It's a straight up msm tactic. Q is trusting us to expose truth, not perpetuate msm lies, globalist mentality of "muhracism" and be "fair".

He and POTUS did not come to us for cucks and cowards.

We fight any enemy, be they groups, individuals of any stripe that are traitors.

I hope you understand where we are coming from, OP.

What the fuck are we, reddit?

Also, what the fuck is up with the antifungalwhatnot? Fucking hell.

Anonymous ID: ac884b July 5, 2018, 9:21 p.m. No.2051932   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5530


I fully agree - only that you underestimate the degree to which the brainwashing has taken place in the last 300+ years at least.

The psyop runs centuries.

We decided to draw back on some of the more forward presentations and are instead easing them in, first breaking the idea of 'muh racism' etc surface level stuff first, aka annihilating the FEAR, after which the JQ issue can be hammered/fine tuned in.

The visceral element of the movement cannot be overstated, and any show of weakness equals defeat on all fronts. We know when to dial it back and forth - and when to keep the messages on target.

It's a tough pill to swallow for those whose moral precepts are compromised - that is why 'shock' is necessary as occasion demands.

Finess and Force.


Real problem being this is something that if not kept on its toes, it can too easily be brushed over in a cucked fashion.


Let's not argue over whether it is 'nice' or not - that has little to do with all this. At times fire must be met with fire/fury to produce the necessary results.


RESULTS. This won't be pretty, but nothing worth fighting for is.

Anonymous ID: ac884b July 5, 2018, 9:28 p.m. No.2052011   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9680 >>0222 >>0436


Additionally, it is also a fact that jews and muslims are in reality two sides of the same coin. Both are semitic, both are middle eastern (cesspit of human degeneration and corruption), and both are thoroughly exploitative and are LIARS.

This fact cannot be overstated.

No one chasing good should be unaware of EVIL.

Although the central core of this issue is not race or blood, nevertheless these are HUGE factors which drives this movement and definitely our enemies. Lose this, and you might as well have given up already.

We always attack and defend from position of STRENGTH on ALL fronts, and our enemies face us on OUR terms, not theirs.


Hope this is clear enough for everyone. We have only one shot at this now.