Anonymous ID: e3a0cf Feb. 14, 2022, 9:47 a.m. No.15625859   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5870 >>5970 >>6140 >>6143 >>6350 >>6539 >>6634

Pedophile Pence in Deep Trouble



Michael Baxter -

February 13, 2022


Real Raw News has gotten fresh data regarding the military’s recent interest in former Vice President Michael Pence, a man whose entrancing façade and artful rhetoric beguiled a nation into believing he was worthy of one day succeeding Donald J. Trump as President of the United States. In contrast to Trump’s unfiltered dialogue, Pence measured his words carefully and eloquently, rarely raising his voice even when angered. But the soft-spoken Pence was a monster in disguise; if he seemed sincere, his sincerity was little more than a thin veneer occluding his darker predilections—touching young boys.


A JAG source speaking to Real Raw News under condition of anonymity said the U.S. military has obtained conclusive proof that Pence, while serving as Indiana Governor from 2013-2017 and during is tenure at the White House, had a morbid fascination for young boys and even tried to groom them for sexual enslavement.


An arduous investigation into Pence’s past, our source said, identified 5 of Pence’s victims. Two were 13 years old when Pence allegedly fondled them at the Indiana Governor’s Mansion in 2015.


“Pence targeted vulnerable, impressionable kids that were barely teenagers. He went after kids from broken households, usually without a father figure around. He basically coerced, bribed them. In trade for their discretion and silence, he gave them what any teenage boy wants—computers, video games, and money. Later gripped by shame, they didn’t want to come forward, either because of that shame or because Pence was too dangerous a man to cross. Pence wasn’t the type of predator to forcibly take what he wanted. He was a master manipulator, which makes him the most dangerous of child predators,” our source said.


JAG deemed the victim’s stories highly credible, as they aligned and uniformly described Pence’s predaceous behavior: He liked undressing his victims, first removing their pants and underwear. Then he encouraged them to masturbate while he watched, and often touched their genitals. Either through bribery or blackmail, the villainous Pence rewarded his victims with cash, XBOXs, and PlayStations, promising even greater rewards if the children reciprocated his affections.


“Pence told these kids he wanted them to be his regulars, and in two cases the molestations went on for several months—until Pence found new targets. Two victims, who are unrelated and never met, said Pence has an unusually shaped birthmark on his buttocks. There’s no way they could know that unless he exposed himself to them,” our source said.


Four of the five victims are now adults, but have asked to remain anonymous until Pence is brought to justice. Our source said all 4 have agreed to testify against Pence in the future.


The fifth victim cannot testify. He is dead. He held a pistol under his chin and squeezed the trigger a month after his last encounter with Pence, in 2018.


“I can’t detail that too much now. But we learned of this through journals and the sworn testimony of a family member,” our source said.


What’s worse, Pence’s staffers in Indiana and Washington were privy to his crimes.


“There’s disturbing allegations that everyone from housekeepers at the governor’s mansion to White House interns witnessed him in the company of young boys,” our source said.


Asked if President Donald J. Trump might have had knowledge of Pence’s crimes, he said, “There’s no evidence Trump knew just how sinister Pence is. The offices of the president and vice president are compartmentalized. Had Trump known, we’d have gotten proof of Pence’s wickedness much sooner.”

Anonymous ID: e3a0cf Feb. 14, 2022, 10:19 a.m. No.15626143   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6181 >>6306 >>6350 >>6457


Right Wing Watch



Right-wing broadcaster Stew Peters interviewing some unseen Twitter user to "confirm" that it's common knowledge in D.C. that Mike Pence and John Roberts are pedophiles is a perfect example of the utterly debased nature of right-wing media today.



Anonymous ID: e3a0cf Feb. 14, 2022, 10:37 a.m. No.15626306   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6313 >>6320 >>6335



Pelosi, Pence & High-Ranking General EXPOSED in Jan 6th Trespass and Babbitt Murder


Posted on June 27, 2021 by State of the Nation


@Johnheretohelp: Pelosi, High-Ranking General EXPOSED in Jan 6 and Babbitt Murder


By Alexandra Bruce

Forbidden Knowledge


Last January, when Defamation superlawyer, Lin Wood released video testimony from a whistleblower with several decades in the Intelligence Community and in the military, in which he talks about the sheer evil of Chief Justice John Roberts and former Vice President Mike Pence, it didn’t take me long to realize that this witness was somebody who I had been following on Twitter called @JohnHereToHelp – and that I had already figured out that he was the same secret witness who had come forward in 2018 on the second anniversary of Seth Rich’s murder, with his unexpected testimony that Rod Rosenstein had ordered the hit.


Back in 2018, this was not what anybody expected to hear. John Podesta’s references to “wetworks” in the WikiLeaks emails caused many to assume that Seth Rich’s murder was yet another in a long line of Clintoncides but here was this guy, claiming that Rod Rosenstein was behind it, the motive being to prevent the truth from coming out about the DNC email breach. He said it would have revealed that the DOJ and the Republicans had been accessing and altering the DNC’s emails throughout the course of the Obama administration. It would also reveal that the Rod Rosenstein’s Maryland Attorney General’s Office began spying on Hillary’s private server almost as soon as it went live.


At the time, it was the height of the Mueller Investigation hysteria. His story didn’t help Trump and it went over the Democrats’ heads so it quickly disappeared. However, I have found his information on Twitter and elsewhere to be consistent, highly-granular and believable, if frequently shocking and horrifying.


Though he has tweeted hints about this before, this interview with Stew Peters marks the first time that he reveals his identity on audio as one Dr Jonathan McGreevey, in the first of a 4-part series of gob-smacking segments posted to Rumble yesterday.


When asked by Peters if he wants to name anyone who coordinated the events of January 6th, he responds, “Everybody up to Pence had a part in it. I mean, he’s manipulated, he’s controlled. He’s always kow-towed to Pelosi his entire career. I told them prior to the Certification [of the 2020 Election], he wasn’t going to do it. He couldn’t, as he’s been paid-off. He’s now being promoted for a presidential run, which I’m looking forward to (laughs).”


When Peters asks point blank if Pence is involved in child sex trafficking and if Pence is a pedophile, he responds,”Yes. Yes, he is.”


McGreevey then addresses Pence directly, saying, “The young man that I mentioned in Lin Wood’s interview – I’m speaking to Pence, right now – let’s test Mike Pence’s memory: ‘Hey, Mike! Do you know, when you betrayed Trump and the entire country just a few weeks ago? Probably not. Do you remember a young man named Jeremy from about six years ago? Because we do! And we know where he lives – and he remembers you! He’s 20 now but I’m really looking forward to your presidential run! They say karma wears silver boy shorts, but whatever.”


Peters then asks McGreevey from his perspective, as a Constitutional scholar, given that Biden stole the election and that he is not the legitimate president, whether any of Biden’s actions, Executive Orders and legislation that has passed since January 20th, if any of these are legal or official?


“No. It carries no weight, from the People, from the Constitution or anything. It’s like I said, if I broke into a bank and took over and bribed the guards and threatened everyone, it doesn’t make me the Bank President. I can’t just open the vault and change anything I want. Nothing’s legal. They could change the law, because they know that it would have a lasting effect, even if President Trump was back tomorrow. It’s going to have a lasting effect. This is why certain persons are not going to the Southern Border. It’s not a crisis. It’s exactly what they want. And they want more, more, more and there’s a ton of money going south to Central and South America to transport these people in, from all over…They’re not walking, they’re being transported. It’s a non-stop human trafficking train coming in, because this is what they want.


“They know that if President Trump is back tomorrow, you got how many millions of new people in? And they’re not going to get them all out. They know this. Every day is a victory for them, until they lose their grip on their phony presidency – and the sooner the better.”

Anonymous ID: e3a0cf Feb. 14, 2022, 10:38 a.m. No.15626313   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Peters says, “We’ve alluded to hundreds, if not thousands of political prisoners; they’re currently being jailed. They’re being mistreated, they’re being tortured, from what we understand. They’re in solitary confinement, they’re not allowed phones calls, they haven’t been charged with anything. Those that have been charged with misdemeanors are still facing decades in prison for what happened on the 6th of January at our Capitol, which by the way, is now vacant. Nobody is there. Washington DC is a ghost town. I’m not quite sure that there’s anyone at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, inside of the White House. Can you speak to that? Can you explain why Washington DC is Vacant? Why is the FBI boarded-up?”


McGreevey replies, “The FBI wants to purport how severe everything is and how the attacks are bad and how the ‘White Terrorists’ are going to attack them…’We’re doing our best. We’re investigating this with our normal level of integrity but it makes us a target, so we’re boarded-up.’


“They [the FBI] portray themselves as victims, because they’re complicit. They helped. And there’s no reason to have a whole bunch of people in DC, when you have 5 or 6 people running the entire show and just handing out orders.”


Peters asks, “Who are the people running the show and handing out orders?”


“Pelosi’s at the top. She did not become a legitimate Speaker, as I mentioned. In 2018, they had to get balance on President Trump, so they cheated enough to get seats to control Congress. She’s been an illegitimate Speaker, the BS impeachments were all illegitimate, so is the ‘Russian Collusion’.”


Peters asks, “Is it common knowledge in Congress, is it common knowledge among senators, is it common knowledge throughout our entire government that this election was stolen and that Nancy Pelosi is an illegitimate Speaker and that Mike Pence is a pedophile and that Justice Roberts is a pedophile? Is all of this stuff common knowledge by those so-called elected representatives, by politicians, by people in power? Does everybody know this to be true and correct?”


McGreevey answers, “Yes. They know. That’s the way they want it. What good is a wild card in there? What good is it to elect someone that you don’t know, that you don’t control?…It’s easier if you control them. And they’re controlling themselves by their own disgusting behavior, so you control them, now. So when you need something signed, you need a decision in court and it’s important to you, you don’t have to make any effort. You don’t have to spend money and buy them. You are in control, they’re in your pocket. You just don’t have to remind them, you just put it through.”


Peters asks, “So 100% of Washington, Republicans, alike; America-First so-called Patriots, all of them know?”


McGreevey says, “It’s obvious. Anyone with common sense can see it. And it’s wrong.”


Peters then asks McGreevey what he knows about January 6th. He replies that the Democrats didn’t expect they would pull off the fraud. “They knew they could pull off the phony numbers, that was all set up but they didn’t think anyone would accept it. They thought the fraud would be uncovered quickly. They thought that President Trump would not leave…They couldn’t believe that he was leaving. They were absolutely stunned the Patriots didn’t take to the streets and shut down the country.”


Peters says, “Two FBI agents and a Secret Service agent corroborated the fact that this thing was 100% a set-up. Who set it up?”


“Pelosi,” he replies. “She had a lot of help. There are FBI agents all over January 6th.”

Anonymous ID: e3a0cf Feb. 14, 2022, 10:38 a.m. No.15626320   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6421


He says that he knows – and the FBI knows – that the person who transported the bombers and the devices that were placed in the Capitol is “related a very high-ranking [federal] judge.” He says that keeping the myth going about “White Terrorists” is what’s valuable to them. He says, “They know who it is. They supplied the crappy device that didn’t work.”


He says that Nancy Pelosi orchestrated the whole thing and that, “She even called in the orders to ‘get’ someone to sacrifice,” and that you can see the shooter responding to orders from Pelosi’s people in his earpiece.


The shooter could not use the normal communications systems because of all the law enforcement that were all over the place and all the journalists listening in on the Capitol Police scanners, so they were using military encrypted communications, which were provided by somebody who he says hated Trump and who was rewarded. This person is Major General William Walker, who was the Commander of the National Guard in DC and who was promoted by Pelosi to be the Sergeant at Arms of the US House of Representatives.


McGreevey, who is a very patriotic veteran then addresses Gen Walker directly: “General, I would never attack our military, I would never besmirch someone who’s in uniform, especially a general officer. I’m asking you, Sir, please stand up and defend us, as you have done in the past.


“It’s going to come out. I have heard that all of your private and social communications – email, texts, phone calls, everything – have been archived for well over the past year.


“So I implore you, Sir to do your duty and come out and defend us once more.”


He tells Peters, “This is the same commander who denied President Trump’s request to bring troops…”

Anonymous ID: e3a0cf Feb. 14, 2022, 10:40 a.m. No.15626335   🗄️.is 🔗kun





John Roberts, Jeff Epstein and the Plot to Murder SCOTUS Justices


At noon today, Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts is scheduled to swear-in Joe Biden and Kamala Harris as President and Vice President of the United States, respectively.


This video gives us some background about Chief Justice Roberts. It was posted on Telegram yesterday morning by superlawyer, Lin Wood in 8 parts, which I strung back together again, uploaded and transcribed, below.


It’s an interview with a government whistleblower known as JohnHereToHelp (JHTH), in which he describes how Chief Justice Roberts adopted his children with the help of Jeffrey Epstein and then he proceeded to use his children to sexually entrap and blackmail powerful people.


He says, “Children are often used as a commodity, a way to buy yourself into certain inner circles. And these people are all wealthy, they’re all powerful and they won’t trust you unless you’re as compromised as they are.


“So you provide children to them. Your children, adopted children, whatever. This is how they trust you and you’re as dirty as they are. You cannot be exposed, because you can’t expose them, they can’t expose you, if everybody’s just as dirty, you know you’re safe.


“And this is a way for them to buy your way into these inner circles, then get access to whatever. Children are the payment and the dirt and the control.”


JHTH also details how Roberts helped with some logistics in a plot to kill several Supreme Court Justices during Hillary Clinton’s first term, so that she could then pack the Supreme Court with Globalists/Communists. (She wasn’t supposed to lose).


This FBI false flag operation was foiled when JohnHereToHelp was hired by someone at the office of the Supreme Court to infiltrate the operation. However, those trained and armed by the FBI to commit mass-murder fell back to a Plan B, to execute Justice Anton Scalia, who was considered Hillary’s “greatest threat”.

Anonymous ID: e3a0cf Feb. 14, 2022, 10:57 a.m. No.15626457   🗄️.is 🔗kun


💥 Jun 23 2021 - BOMBSHELL WHISTLEBLOWER INTERVIEW w/ @Johnheretohelp = Dr. Jonathan McGreevey


Rumble — FULL Whistleblower Interview w/ Dr. Jonathan A McGreevey aka @Johnheretohelp

  • Former Black Ops Military, Intelligence, Scientist, National Recon Office (NRO) +++


  • Confirms He Can Validate ALL The Facts From The Lin Wood Interview

  • Confirms COVID Was Already The Plan For Hillary's 2nd Term

  • These Globalist Plans Have Been In Place For A Long Time

  • Pence Is Controlled, He Was Paid Off, He Is A Pedophile

  • Southern Border Migrants Are Being Transported And Paid To Get In

  • Pelosi Is At The Top Of DC Government Control

  • Everyone In DC Knows It's A Controlled Criminal Cabal


  • Jan 6th Ashli Babbitt Shooter Is Known, Multiple Countries Have Our Jan 6th Tapes

  • Read John's Jan 6th Event Twitter Thread:

  • Pelosi Coordinated The Jan 6th Capitol Riot

  • Military Encrypted Communications Were Used To Give Orders

  • Maj General William Walker, Commander Of US Army National Guard In DC Coordinated Jan 6th For Pelosi


  • COVID Is A Bioweapon, Dr. John Did Gain Of Function Research

  • Fauci Is A 'Nasty Piece Of Work' And He's Dangerous

  • There Are More Bioweapon Versions Coming

  • Fauci And Gates Have Colluded For Years On Population Control Research

  • The Vaccine Will Debilitate The Population Neurologically

  • [They] Want Those Who Are Affected And Those Who Must Care For Them To Become Govt Dependent For Help

  • The Vaccine Uses HIV Virus Tech To Slowly Bypass And Suppress The Immune System

  • Vaccine Victims May Not Be Hopelessly Lost (Solutions May Exist)

  • [They] Are NOT Taking These Vaccines

  • The Vaccines Were Supported By The Trump Admin To Sincerely Calm People Down, It Was Strategically Necessary To Counter The Fear Campaigns


  • John Is Asking Other Good Politicians To Take Action On FOIA Requests For Everything He Has Exposed

  • Citizens Should Connect With Their Known Patriot Local Politicians

  • Don't Allow Divide And Conquer Amongst We The People


  • Dr. Jonathan A McGreevey FEC Maryland Senator Candidacy Filing

  • Website Coming In November


Follow @JohnHereToHelp On Twitter


FULL Transcript
 - John's Lin Wood Interview


Check The 'Younify' Main Channel For Other Valuable Information–jun-23-2021-bombshell-whistleblower-interview-w-johnheretohelp-dr.-jonatha.html