Anonymous ID: 21ea15 Feb. 16, 2022, 2:48 p.m. No.15644699   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>There are a TON of ways that anons can support the board, bakers, and mission.

Quality post. I've followed phonefags posting Twitter URLs but no back up images and video,

so I had their 6 and did the yeoman's work for them.


  • URL (minus the tracker BS)

  • screencap/snip of tweet

  • text of tweet (searchable on

  • embed video, if any


I harvest dank memes to spread elsewhere, might make an interesting observation on a post,

or at least a kek-worthy comment. Much love to all the anons, autists, bakers, BVs, and others

who do what they can to spread Truth, Light, and Love. Trying to step up my game here.