Anonymous ID: 333646 Feb. 16, 2022, 1:26 p.m. No.15644166   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4172 >>4844 >>4915 >>4926

LAWRENCE SELLIN: The Laboratory Origin of COVID-19 and the Ongoing Cover-Up, China’s Biowarfare Program and China’s Massive Infiltration of U.S. Virus Laboratories


Retired Colonel Lawrence Sellin, Ph.D. released a very comprehensive report on Substack using material presented here at The Gateway Pundit to support his summary below.

Executive Summary


SARS-CoV-2, the coronavirus responsible for the COVID-19 disease and pandemic, was made in a laboratory in China as part of its biowarfare program. After two years from the start of the pandemic, no natural source of SARS-CoV-2 has been identified. In contrast, structures within the virus itself have been identified that prove its laboratory origin.


It remains unclear how SARS-CoV-2 was released and when. It could have occurred either as a laboratory accident or as a deliberate open-air test by China’s People’s Liberation Army. There is circumstantial evidence that the virus began circulating in China as early as August 2019, but more likely the earliest cases occurred between mid-October and mid-November 2019.


From the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, officials and scientists both in China and the United States have actively engaged in a cover-up of its origin and attempted to suppress any discussion that SARS-CoV-2 was not a natural disease transmission from animals to humans. Many of those engaged in the scientific censorship could be considered culpable for assisting in the laboratory creation of SARS-CoV-2 and, at least indirectly, contributing to China’s biowarfare program.


Since the 2002-2004 SARS-CoV-1 pandemic, the Chinese military augmented its traditional biowarfare program to include weapons based on biotechnology. To achieve that end, China has fused military and civilian research and implemented a program of massive “scientific chain migration,” whereby Chinese scientists obtain positions in the United States and access American knowledge, skills, technology and research funding. The products from all of that effort is fed back into China’s biowarfare program. Thus, U.S. research laboratories have become little more than Chinese colonies, extensions of China’s fused military-civilian research program and fully-funded by the U.S. taxpayer. As of today, the U.S. government has done little or nothing to slow the massive infiltration of Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and People’s Liberation Army (PLA) scientists into U.S. research programs.


This Executive Summary and the detailed analysis supporting it can be found here:

Anonymous ID: 333646 Feb. 16, 2022, 1:28 p.m. No.15644190   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4281 >>4422 >>4550 >>4915 >>4926

Clintonworld-Controlled BLM Bails Out Anti-Gun Activist Charged In Shooting Of Louisville Mayoral Candidate


Black Lives Matter's Louisville chapter told WHAS11's Rachel Droze that they're bailing out the suspect in the attempted murder of mayoral candidate, Craig Greenberg.


As the Washington Examiner noted earlier today, BLM filings reveal that the organization's leadership now includes prominent Democratic lawyer Marc Elias and another longtime ally of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, who have taken on key roles in the 'charity' amid scrutiny over mismanaged finances to the tune of $60 million.


Elias, best known for his funding of British ex-spy Christopher Steele’s discredited anti-Trump dossier while he served as Clinton’s 2016 campaign general counsel, appears to be representing the Black Lives Matter Global Network Foundation through his recently formed Elias Law Group. BLM’s national organization repeatedly lists the Elias firm as one of its addresses and states in its short-year 2020 Form 990 that its books were now in the care of the Elias Law Group.


Additionally, Minyon Moore, a longtime top ally of both Bill and Hillary Clinton, is now listed as part of BLM’s board of directors in the charity's filings.


It's not clear when BLM's relationships with Elias Law Group and Moore began.


In short, the sitting US Vice President actively helped to bail out BLM rioters while Trump was in office, while Clintonworld-controlled BLM itself is now bailing out suspected murderers.

Anonymous ID: 333646 Feb. 16, 2022, 1:31 p.m. No.15644205   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4252 >>4915 >>4926

Hillary Clinton finally breaks silence, calls John Durham claims ‘fake scandal’


If anyone knows scandals, it’s Hillary Clinton.


The former first lady, senator, secretary of state and two-time Democratic presidential candidate finally responded Wednesday to last week’s court filing by special counsel John Durham alleging that her 2016 presidential campaign paid for computer research to link then-candidate Donald Trump to Russia.


“Trump & Fox are desperately spinning up a fake scandal to distract from his real ones,” Clinton said on Twitter. “So it’s a day that ends in Y. The more his misdeeds are exposed, the more they lie.


“For those interested in reality, here’s a good debunking of their latest nonsense,” she concluded the post, attaching a link to a Vanity Fair article titled: “You’ll never believe it but Hillary Clinton did not, in fact, spy on Trump’s White House.”


Clinton broke her silence one day after she ignored questions from The Post about Durham’s claims after she and her daughter, Chelsea, were at a Queens restaurant.


Durham filed court papers Friday in which he alleged that a Clinton campaign lawyer enlisted a tech executive to help “mine” internet data from locations including Trump Tower and the White House “to establish ‘an inference’ and ‘narrative’ tying then-candidate Trump to Russia.”

Anonymous ID: 333646 Feb. 16, 2022, 1:33 p.m. No.15644219   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4278 >>4284 >>4292 >>4383 >>4915 >>4926

U.S. Govt Advisors SHRED Documents Detailing Fauci Agency’s Obama-Era Work With The Wuhan Lab.


The National Institutes of Health has repeatedly failed to comply with congressional requests for documents related to its involvement with the Wuhan Institute of Virology, instead forcing agency personnel to “shred notes and other documents” referencing the Chinese Communist Party-run lab and its work with the U.S. government during the Obama administration.


Members of the Republican House Committee on Oversight and Reform wrote a letter to Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Director Xavier Becerra urging the release of the documents, which could prove highly relevant to the origins of COVID-19.


“Rather than be transparent with Committee Republicans, HHS and NIH have chosen to hide, obfuscate, and shield the truth,” argues the letter.


The letter reveals that an NIH advisor was “forced by NIH to shred notes and other documents pertaining to the WIV grants as early as 2014.” An email from an individual, whose name has been redacted, to a committee staff member on November 5th, 2021 revealed the following:


“I signed a confidentiality agreement in which I agreed not to discuss any grant with anyone except with other members of the study section, and – once the meeting was over – that I would destroy any notes that I had taken during the meeting (we did this by tossing them in shred box in the meeting room)).”


The letter outlines how, “to date, HHS and NIH have refused to produce any responsive documents or information.” The congressional committee requested documents from former NIH Director Francis Collins surrounding a 2014, Obama-era grant awarded from Anthony Fauci’s National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) to EcoHealth Alliance and the WIV in May and July of 2021.


Despite Republican committee staff repeatedly amending their requests, making them broader in scope and easier for the federal agency to fulfill, both federal agencies have refused to turn over any documents.


“Since our July 15, 2021, request invoking §2954, Republican Committee staff have provided the following accommodations to HHS and NIH: time extensions, reducing the scope of the request, prioritizing certain documents, and engaging in in camera review of certain documents. Throughout this time, Republican Committee staff made clear to HHS staff that Committee Republicans may, at a later date, request full, unredacted copies of the documents reviewed in camera and all other documents responsive to the Requests,” explains the letter.

Anonymous ID: 333646 Feb. 16, 2022, 1:52 p.m. No.15644305   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4915 >>4926

Drug Arrests Bun


California Man Sentenced to 30 Years in Prison for Large-Scale Fentanyl Analogue Pill Mill Operation


Eight Defendants Charged In Manhattan Federal Court For Distributing Fentanyl Linked To Multiple Overdose Deaths In The Bronx


Eleven Individuals Involved In Osceola County Drug Trafficking Organization Sentenced To Federal Prison

Anonymous ID: 333646 Feb. 16, 2022, 1:57 p.m. No.15644329   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Newly retired NSW Police commissioner Mick Fuller did not declare racehorse shares to NSW government


Former police commissioner and Racing NSW board hopeful Mick Fuller did not declare to the state government his co-ownership of racehorses with two wealthy businessmen who became embroiled in criminal investigations or won lucrative police contracts.

Key points:


A businessman who co-owned a racehorse with Mr Fuller went on to win a $3 million catering deal with the NSW Police

Mr Fuller told the ABC he had not "breached any policy" by not declaring the shares

A NSW MP and a former police watchdog commissioner have called for an independent investigation into police ties to the horseracing industry


An ABC investigation into Mr Fuller's gambling and racing interests has discovered he submitted no conflict of interest declarations to the government until last year, raising concerns he breached anti-corruption rules.


Mr Fuller was NSW's highest-paid public servant, earning more than $665,000 a year as the head of Australia's largest police force from 2017 before retiring last month after a 34-year career in law enforcement.


He is a frontrunner to be picked by NSW cabinet to join the board of Racing NSW, the horseracing operator and regulator, after Sports Minister Stuart Ayres yesterday endorsed him as a candidate "of the highest integrity".


Mr Fuller was among a cadre of high-ranking NSW Police Force (NSWPF) officers — mostly from Sydney's Sutherland Shire — referred to within the force as the "Punters Club" due to their love of gambling, horseracing and rugby league.


From 2015, he and at least five others employed in leadership roles within NSWPF acquired shares across at least four racehorses from high-profile trainer and former drug addict David Vandyke.


Mr Fuller's shares in two of Mr Vandyke's horses — Mad Magic and Once Epona Time — gave him the right to a proportion of any winnings.


But they proved a poor bet — the horses barely made any winnings, while Mr Vandyke became entangled in doping scandals.


Mr Vandyke, formerly named David Hayes, was fined three times since 2015 for banned substances discovered in his racehorses in NSW and Queensland.


The trainer, who had much-publicised past addictions to heroin and gambling, was banned for three years in 1989 after two of his racehorses tested positive for the illegal stimulant known as "elephant juice", etorphine.

Anonymous ID: 333646 Feb. 16, 2022, 2:27 p.m. No.15644534   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4548

Trucker Convoy Hacker Revealed To Be A Soy Fueled Lunatic Who Has Worked For The Government!


Won't embed

Anonymous ID: 333646 Feb. 16, 2022, 3:07 p.m. No.15644819   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4907

Biden DHS: Russian State-Sponsored Hackers Targeted Defense Contractors


Russian hackers have allegedly obtained sensitive defense information technology by targeting American contractors, said several federal agencies in a bulletin posted Wednesday.


From at least January 2020 through February 2022, the agencies “have observed regular targeting of U.S. cleared defense contractors by Russian state-sponsored cyber actors,” said the Department of Homeland Security-run Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Agency (CISA), Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), and National Security Agency (NSA).


“The actors have targeted both large and small [defense contractors] and subcontractors with varying levels of cybersecurity protocols and resources,” the bulletin continued. Contractors who worked in a number of areas including missile and weapons development, vehicle and aircraft design, surveillance and reconnaissance, and communications systems were targeted.


In the bulletin, the agencies did not provide specific details on how they obtained evidence of Russian state-sponsored hackers allegedly targeting U.S. defense contractors. Also unclear is what Russian agency or agencies facilitated the hacks.


The bulletin’s publication also comes amid heightened tensions between the United States and Russia over troops stationed near Ukraine, with White House officials repeatedly saying in recent weeks that Moscow is planning to attack.


CISA also said that the Russian-backed actors use “common but effective tactics to gain access to target networks, including spearphishing, credential harvesting, brute force/password spray techniques, and known vulnerability exploitation against accounts and networks with weak security,” according to the notice. “These actors take advantage of simple passwords, unpatched systems, and unsuspecting employees to gain initial access before moving laterally through the network to establish persistence and exfiltrate data.”

Anonymous ID: 333646 Feb. 16, 2022, 3:11 p.m. No.15644849   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Private Schools Nation-Wide Pushing ‘Queer Inclusive’ Curriculum, Trans Ideology Starting in Pre-K


Private schools across the country are training teachers to expose kids as young as four years old to sexually explicit content — in secrecy and without parents’ knowledge — directed by the National Association Independent Schools (NAIS) as part of a “queer-inclusive” curriculum.


Breitbart News has reviewed an extensive trove of NAIS documents and teacher trainings supplied to private schools nation-wide, which, under the guise of being “queer” and “LGBTQ+ inclusive,” urge the use of graphic sexual material in classes starting at Pre-K.


A nearly hour-long training workshop at NAIS’ flagship conference in 2020, reviewed by Breitbart News, features a discussion about how to talk to kids about “gender, and sexuality, and identity,” including how to talk to kids in Pre-K about “their bodies,” “penises and vaginas,” and “what they feel like inside, do they feel like a boy or a girl.” The conference covers how to teach sex, sexuality, and “gender identity” from Pre-K to Grade 8.


“Starting in Pre-K we talk about their bodies, the parts that they were born with, about penises and vaginas and whether they make somebody a boy or girl. But also their feelings, what do they feel like inside, do they feel like a boy or a girl? What does their head say? Do their heart and their body match up,” the lecturer explains.


The section also features a teacher talking about how she once drew from the wrong book and accidentally talked to children in Pre-K about “the vulva and the labia,” as they reacted in “horror” — stressing that teachers should be “kind to yourself” in instances of error.


“It was my first year so I was like, ‘okay, we’re just super progressive;’ so I went in there guns blazing and I just went for it. And I ended up talking about the vulva and the labia with Pre-K’ers. And it was just one of those moments, everybody’s looking in horror, and I’m like, ‘oh, no, I made a really big mistake.’ And I share that with you because it’s not perfect, right? It’s a practice. So be kind to yourself when you’re delving into this stuff,” the teacher told her fellow NAIS educators in the flagship conference.