Anonymous ID: 159370 Feb. 16, 2022, 6:31 p.m. No.15646558   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6575


In the mid 2000s, Aubrey Cottle was part of a crew of online pranksters who called themselves “trolls” and orbited two anarchic online message boards: Something Awful and 4chan. Thousands of users were on these boards—almost all young men—but among them was a more die-hard band who hung out in the same chat rooms, feuded online, and met up in real life. They called themselves Anonymous. The name was derived from the way 4chan presented usernames. If none was specified, the site displayed “Anonymous” by default.

In 2007, a man appeared at Cottle’s door. Cottle was 20 and still living with his mother in Toronto. As Cottle tells the story (confirmed in part by a friend of his), the man was from the Canadian Security Intelligence Service, the nation’s equivalent to the CIA. Curious, Cottle led him to his room, which was littered with hard drives, server equipment, and old copies of the ’90s hacker magazine 2600.

“Would you be willing to use your abilities against al-Qaeda and terrorist groups?” the agent asked him. A number of thoughts flashed through Cottle’s mind: Is this guy for real? I would never work for the feds. Should I delete everything? But mostly he felt like a fraud. The man thought he was something he wasn’t.

“You want me to raid internet forums for you?” Cottle asked.

When 4chan began cracking down on organizing raids, Anonymous migrated to Cottle’s copycat site, 420chan, which he’d created to discuss his principal interests: drugs and professional wrestling. And Cottle became the de facto leader of Anonymous, a role he relished. It was during this time, Cottle told me, that he codified a set of half-joking rules for the group that became known as the infamous “Rules of the Internet.” They included “3. We are Anonymous 4. Anonymous is legion 5. Anonymous never forgives.”

Cottle and his friends also were the first to start using the Guy Fawkes mask. They chose it simply because they loved the movie V for Vendetta, a 2005 film adaptation of a dystopian-fiction comic book. V, the film’s protagonist, dons the disguise to fight a future fascist police state by firebombing buildings, inverting the story of the original Guy Fawkes, who is vilified in English folklore for attempting to blow up Parliament in 1605.

Cottle told CSIS he’d think about its offer (which he later declined) and went back to cyberbullying. But not long after the authorities came to Cottle’s door, Anonymous would make the news. A Fox affiliate in Los Angeles had run a segment on the group, framing them as “hackers on steroids.” The report implied that Anonymous was perhaps a terrorist organization, overlaying the segment’s narration with stock footage of a van exploding.

Anonymous ID: 159370 Feb. 16, 2022, 7:22 p.m. No.15646944   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6965 >>6998 >>7041 >>7078 >>7095

Evidence of ‘biblical giants’ found in northern Israel

New docu-series to present rare, researched look at the Nephilim

A soon-to-be-released docu-series will present a rare and researched look at one of the most perplexing Biblical topics: Nephilim (giants).

Produced by The Inspiration Networks, a faith-based family entertainment network, “Angels & Giants, The Watchers & Nephilim” presents four one-hour segments that are a serious investigation into the theories behind the Biblical giants.

Rudy Landa, a senior producer and director at The Inspiration Networks and company CEO David Cerullo decided to make the film three years ago, their enthusiasm for the subject fueled by their love of the Bible.

“The Bible describes the Nephilim in several places,” Landa said. “The main commentary of the Nephilim happens in Genesis chapter six. Most people cruise right over that passage. The Nephilim were the offspring of heavenly beings who were placed in the spiritual realm to watch over the earth in those days. They were principalities in the heavenly realm.”

In the pre-diluvian sixth chapter of Genesis, the Bible says that the “Sons of Elohim” cohabited with the daughters of men. The offspring of these unions were called Nephilim, a race of giants that lived on the earth.

“The docu-series brings the biblical sources, but it should be interesting for non-religious viewers,” Landa said. “We seek out actual proof, the traces and clues that are out there in the world, and not just the faith-based claims. Because there is so much archaeological evidence that needs to be explored.”

The subject can easily become sensationalized, and Landa stressed that he did not want to take that approach. He enlisted the help of author Douglas Van Dorn, who had just written a book on the subject, to guide the project.

“We present the evidence and we invite people to research to reach their own conclusions,” Landa said. “We aren’t dogmatic and don’t hide anything. We bring the sources and encourage the viewer to ask questions, to continue to study and do their own research.”

Anonymous ID: 159370 Feb. 16, 2022, 7:29 p.m. No.15647016   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7036 >>7057

“We are seeing activity that is a threat to our democracy and that is undermining the public’s trust in our institutions,” Trudeau wrote.

“The Government of Canada believes firmly in the right to peaceful protest. But as we discussed, the activities taking place across the country have gone well beyond peaceful protest.”

“This is not about displacing provincial or territorial jurisdiction, or superseding measures you have in place. This is about supplementing measures in your jurisdiction with additional legal authorities to give local law enforcement the maximum leverage to be able to uphold the rule of law and deal with the situation we are facing,” Trudeau wrote.

“We are not proposing to have the RCMP or any other authority supplant local law enforcement; rather, we wish to expand the range of tools available to law enforcement at all levels.”

Anonymous ID: 159370 Feb. 16, 2022, 7:32 p.m. No.15647041   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7047 >>7095 >>7140


>New docu-series to present rare, researched look at the Nephilim

The search begins in Israel

The search takes them around the globe to Egypt, Peru and the United States, but most significantly, the docu-series begins in the Golan Heights in Israel.

“It makes sense to start in Israel where the story of the Nephilim began,” Landa emphasized. “And that is the Golan.”

The Book of Enoch, an apocryphal second-century BCE source attributed to the great-grandfather of Biblical Noah, describes the Nephilim and claims the name of Mount Hermon is derived from the Hebrew word cherem, meaning “to be banished.” According to the Book of Enoch, the Nephilim were banished from heaven and sent to earth at Mount Hermon. The region, known as the Bashan, is where Og the king came out against the Israelites at the time of their entrance into the Promised Land.

Landa’s search for the truth also brought him to Gilgal Refaim (Wheel of the Giants), an enigmatic rock formation in the Golan. From the ground, it appears as random piles of rocks. But from above it is quite impressive, revealing itself to be five concentric rings with the outer ring measuring more than 500 feet wide. At its center is a mound of loose stones over 65 feet in diameter and over 16 feet tall, covering a central chamber carved into solid rock. Archaeologists generally place the beginning of the construction as early as 3500 BCE. The purpose of Gilgal Refaim is still a mystery and the focus of scholarly debate.

“There are theories that claim that Og was buried at Gilgal Refaim,” Landa said.

The movie explores the theory that the center of the structure was used as an excarnation chamber where the body was allowed to decompose. The bones would have later been interred in a huge serpentine structure of loose stones adjacent to stone rings.

“This dual arrangement, circles of stones near a serpentine mound, appears in several places around the world where it was known to be used as a necropolis for this form of burial,” Landa explained. One such prehistoric serpentine mound is “Serpent Mound” in Ohio.

The name Bashan is derived from the proto-Semitic root Ugaritic term btn, meaning “serpent.”

Landa explained that Gilgal Refaim aligns with significant astronomical phenomena.

The entranceway to the center looks out on the sunrise on the summer solstice. Notches in the walls indicate the spring and fall equinoxes. Other markings indicate star risings. This would have allowed the site to be used to predict the beginning of the rainy season, a very important survival skill.

“There was clearly a very intelligent design behind the site,” Landa noted.

Based on Genesis 14:13, which describes a “fugitive” (Palit) who told Abram about Lot’s capture, Jewish tradition teaches that Og was alive in the time of Noah but escaped the flood by clinging to the side of the Ark.

Og was named in Deuteronomy (3:11) as the only remaining man from the Rephaim. A rough estimate of Og’s size can be made based on a reference to the size of his bed which is described as nine amot long and four amot wide. The Biblical measurement of an amah, literally the length of a forearm, is 9.2 inches, which would mean that Og’s bed was over 14 feet long and over six feet wide.

The Inspiration Networks are considering the distribution channel for the film and expect to release “Angels & Giants: The Watchers & Nephilim” this fall.

Anonymous ID: 159370 Feb. 16, 2022, 7:49 p.m. No.15647151   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7162 >>7194


>She resigned in solidarity!