Anonymous ID: e3e858 Feb. 16, 2022, 7:09 p.m. No.15646848   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Your ability to spread information across the digital battlefield and bypass their control is what they fear [narrative failure] and why they are doing everything in their power to disrupt [false labeling [daily attacks], censorship, termination, gov hearings foundation to term/censor, etc].

Keep charging, Midnight Riders!

Information Warfare.

Hunters become the Hunted.



Focus on content [information].

Research for yourself.



a person that controls access, as to information, often acting as an arbiter of quality or legitimacy:

an open internet allows innovators to bypass traditional gatekeepers and promote their work on its own merit.

a guardian; monitor

Deploy camouflage.

Drop all references re: 'Q' 'Qanon' etc. to avoid ban/termination _censorship install.

Algos [sniffers] bypass.

Keep charging, Midnight Riders!

[Revere's 'Midnight' Ride]

Delivery of free-information.

[bypass controlled media narrative].




Anonymous ID: e3e858 Feb. 16, 2022, 7:23 p.m. No.15646961   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7010


fuck off and live.


Only because 'dying' is really just another dogmatic preinstalled form of reality based 'bloatware.'


What is bloatware?


When procuring a device that has the ability to incorporate software into it based on a user's intent to utilize it's applications for some semblance, of a benefit; some software is installed a priori to the user's initial interaction, which means the 'manufacturer' must have, which in most cases, takes up valuable digital storage space, and in some more nefarious scenarios, InteractivelyObserves the PEBKAC in a marketing-research, sociological unacknowledged non-cocky, non-facetious (yet still fucking hilarious at 'times'), dangerous way of obtaining inherently biased and 'observer effected' scientific data. ←- kek


Why is this being put this way?



Anonymous ID: e3e858 Feb. 16, 2022, 8 p.m. No.15647225   🗄️.is 🔗kun










People have called me crazy.

They call me delusional.


Involuntarily celibate.

A faggot.

A conspiracy theorist.

A 'woman.' kek


Disconnected from reality.

Acting out from a drug induced psychosis. Lay off the Adderall, kid!

They've lied about me.

Accused me of things I've never done. "He's been up for 5 days straight!"

Got me trapped in a psychiatric ward in a hospital for almost 3 weeks, right through CHRISTMAS! Imagine eating hospital food on Christmas night with a room full of strangers and you're the only white guy and you've been admitted wearing your 8kun t-shirt… I shit you not. It's the "JOIN or 404" one., on incorrectly prescribed anti-psychotics, having major contradicting interactions with previously prescribed opioid maintenance medications; possibly causing irreversible cardiac damage, waking up at 4AM every night, in withdrawal, and can't even lay still from the unavoidable restless leg syndrome and dysphoric hyperactivity, and having the most vivid and interactively lucid dreams that all seem to attack you on the most emotionally disturbing subjects related to your life:


  • rejected by the woman of your dreams so have a dream that has her throwing you a party where everyone is rooting for you to get back with her and everyone is decked out in glam rock costumes and mohawks

  • a musical dream yes, once again, I shit you not, and the women in the dream admit that being conscious of your semen retention actually drives women interested in you, CRAZY, and proceed to go into a musical number about it, only to be shoved backstage and spinning back into your bed, AT THE PSYCHWARD!

  • hanging out with Pete Davidson, and his giant opioid producing rabbits, and you just can't leave the batteries for the remote for his TV alone, only to realize, it's the batteries that keep your AI avatar connected to the holographic reality he downloaded you into, because he wanted to know if you/this anon is the real "swordy"


Some of my relatives are so preoccupied with proving me wrong about Q/QAnon/Qannon kek, you should hear their attempts of referring to Q in their own way that even though from their perspective, "Trump lost," they still seem to think that they need to make sure I know that I was a fool for being involved in this critically vital grassroots research endeavor on a mass collective level. What do they foresee that, although we too see, that they must attack with such persistence and intensity? Are they the ones that are coming to terms with the actuality of this entire situation?


Look frens, fellow anons, lurkers and normies alike… even though our reluctant and at times, impossible, family members won't let us live our lives peacefully at any extent, just know that they are going through what we VOLUNTARILY went through-YEARS AGO! Unlike us, they are almost being forced to see the veil being lifted from over their eyes, and face the uncomfortable, unbearable, and in some cases, should be known to the minimum aspects-due to the mental damage it will cause if [FOCUS] is applied to it. Even though it is extremely difficult, especially at the seemingly worst times, to let their forms of abuse roll off your back; just do it. They too, believe it or not, are suffering. You must remind yourselves of this, because this is how they are coping with the pain.


Remember, if you were here since the beginning, or in the early days, then you know that you were supposed to be adopting the role of a "guide" for these people. Who better to practice guiding, than your loved ones and relatives? If you can successfully assist in their process of awakening, then you'll be able to help anyone that genuinely requests your personal form of guidance. Trust me anons, they may not have the wherewithall to thank you now, but when the time comes, and it will, they will have nothing but gratitude you were there for them, when everyone else was 'qlueless.'